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US Senator James Talent: I Believe That China's Position on Falun Dafa Is Unacceptable [May 21, 2004]

June 29, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 21, US Senator James M. Talent wrote a letter to Falun Dafa practitioners commending their participation in the 2004 Mid-US Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Chicago.

The Senator said in the letter: "Like you, I believe that China's position on Falun Dafa is unacceptable, especially given this group's benign activities. China's repression of Falun Dafa makes clear the nature of the regime, its hatred- and fear- of individual thought, its disregard for basic human rights and human dignity."

The Senator also said: "Clearly, China's repression of Falun Dafa practitioners violates international human rights standards. The repression of Falun Dafa followers, the brutal torture they suffer at the hands of their jailers, and of no less importance, the role of law, must all be pressed in discussion between US and Chinese leaders."