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Sun Feng-Qing Regains Her Health After One Year of Practicing Falun Dafa

June 25, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) In April 2004, the "610 Office" (1) of Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province sent three Falun Dafa practitioners to the Masanjia Labor Camp. Among them was Sun Fengqing, who once suffered from an incurable condition but recovered miraculously after she started to practice Falun Dafa. Here I wish to write some of the things that I have learned about Sun Fengqing.

Sun Fengqing was born to a peasant family in Hongqi Village of Fengcheng City. She suffered from severe "Honeycomb Fistula Syndrome" (a large fistula in the middle surrounded by lots of honeycomb-like small fistulas) caused by years of hard work and contact with toxic materials. Foul-smelling pus oozed from the holes and the pain was unbearable. Ms. Sun searched for good doctors and medicine wherever she could, but nothing could improve her condition, and her situation became more and more severe. Since the fistulas were in the area of her bottom, she could not sit and she had to lie on her side. At that time, Ms. Sun couldn't do any household chores and had to lie in bed all day long. To make it worse, her husband died of cancer. The extreme difficulties of life and heavy debts exacerbated her illness. Large pustules often grew around the fistulas, and the stench from the pus of the burst pustules made it hard for people to get close to her. The pustules would come back several days again after bursting and dissipating. Ms. Sun suffered from tremendous stress due to the severe pain. Later on, her whole bottom and the large intestine all became ulcerated. She also had bedsores due to staying in bed for such a long time. The local hospital could not treat the condition and she didn't have the money to go to larger hospitals in other places. Finally, Ms. Sun was dying and her family started to prepare for her funeral; she was feeling quite desperate.

In the spring of 1998, the family heard that fistulas could be treated somewhere. Sun Feng-Qing's children carried her there on a stretcher. After examination, the doctor thought that her illness was not likely to be cured. He gave her some medicine to try out. He also gave her a book and told her, "Read this book carefully at home. If you can follow what the book says, perhaps you can get well."

After Sun Fengqing got home, the medicine didn't help much and she couldn't fall asleep due to the pain from her fistulas. She took out the book, entitled Zhuan Falun. She was quite suspicious and wondered, "Will my disease be cured just by reading the book?"

Since she couldn't fall asleep anyway, in severe pain Sun Fengqing started to read the book. The more she read the more she loved the book. Imperceptibly, her pain disappeared and her body felt lighter. She immediately realized, "This book really can save my life!" She read the book every day since then. Sometimes the pain was very severe, but it quickly went away once she started to read the book.

After reading the book over a period of time, Sun Fengqing could walk again. She started to learn the Falun Gong exercise movements and she managed to go to an exercise site close to her home every day. At the same time, she read the book to learn the teachings of Falun Dafa and tried hard to change herself according to the Fa (2). Her xinxing (3) improved constantly and she changed a lot both physically and mentally. When Ms. Sun first started to practice the sitting exercise, she had to sit on the fistulas in her bottom. She persevered despite the pain. The pustules burst and the pus soaked the pad she sat on. But after a while, she could sit for one or two hours for the exercise.

The fistulas became less and less, and eventually disappeared. Sun Fengqing's face developed a rosy, healthy complexion and her steps became light. She could even do the fieldwork once again. She helped her daughter-in-law take care of her three-year-old grandson without feeling tired.

After a year, most of the fistulas disappeared and Sun Fengqing completely recovered. When she went back to her hometown, her neighbors were startled, "Aren't you... you are well now?"

She told her neighbors that she got well because of Falun Gong, and that Master Li Hongzhi had saved her from the hell she had been suffering.

Practicing Dafa brought Sun Fengqing and her family good fortune, and the condition of her family improved dramatically. Her son and daughter-in-law were able to pay off all their debts in just a few short years. They even built Ms. Sun a new house on their property. Ms. Sun felt a happiness that she had never experienced. Before she started practicing Dafa, she had a bad temper. She constantly had conflicts with her family and neighbors. After cultivating, however, her family was in harmony and Ms. Sun also got along well with her neighbors. People never heard her angrily yelling afterwards. During her spare time, Ms. Sun cleaned the streets in her neighborhood, removed weeds, paved the road and dug sewers voluntarily.

All of Ms. Sun's neighbors saw the changes in her after she began to practice Falun Dafa. They told her when the persecution of Dafa started, "Practicing Falun Gong has saved your life. You should continue practicing even if others try to stop you." On the night of December 9, 2003, Sun Fengqing and two other practitioners distributed Dafa truth-clarification materials in Jiguanshan Town of Fengcheng City. However, they were reported and the Jiguanshan Town Police Station arrested them illegally. At first, the practitioners were held at the Fengcheng Detention Center. During detention, nobody was allowed to visit them. Since all three practitioners were firm believers, four months later, under the instruction of the Fengcheng City "610 Office," they were sentenced to three and half years of forced labor. They were sent to the vicious Masanjia Labor Camp in Shenyang City, where brutal persecution of Dafa disciples occurs continualy.

May 19, 2004


(1) The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

(2) Fa: Law and principles; the teachings of Falun Dafa.

(3) xinxing: mind-heart nature; moral character.