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Indiana, US: Falun Dafa Comes to New Burgh (Photos)

June 18, 2004 |   By an Indiana Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) New Burgh is a small city located at the southwest of the state of Indiana and has a population of about 3000. On June 12, Falun Dafa practitioners participate in the city's annual "Summer Day Parade" and bring the beauty of Falun Dafa to this historical small city.

After learned that Indiana has only a few practitioners, practitioners from St. Louis, Missouri came to help. They cooperated with each other and quickly set up the decorated float brought by St. Louis practitioners.

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"Summer Day Parade" is one a big annual event in New Burgh. Almost all families waited along the streets early in the morning. Just before the parade, the sunny sky turned cloudy and soon it began to rain heavily. But the rain did not wash away the desire of the spectators. Along the route, the peaceful Dafa music, banners, board of "Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance", exercises demonstration and the dance of "Spinning Law Wheel" won a lot of cheers and applauses.

Maybe this was their first time to see Falun Dafa, the people's face showed that they were novel, peaceful and moved. Some cried out, "Thank you for bringing such beautiful things to us!" When the practitioners distributed the flyers, people asked for Falun Dafa materials and thanked the practitioners. Some of them asked where they can learn the exercises.