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The Miraculous Experience of a New Practitioner of Three Months

June 18, 2004 |   By a practitioner living in the United States

June 5, 2004

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Lucy, and I live in Wisconsin, USA. I attained the Fa in February of 2004. In these three short months, I have felt Teacher's careful guidance and protection, and both my body and mind have undergone huge changes.

I recovered from suffering 20 years of migraines, and I could open my eyes wide (due to the migraines, my eyes were always narrowed). The problem I had with a protruding waist vertebral disc for several years has been also healed, and doesn't hurt anymore. More importantly, my attitude has become calmer and more peaceful, and I no longer worry, or feel wronged like I did before. My life has become full and rich every day.

Whenever I practice, a warm feeling flows through me and fills my whole body, and I feel Falun circling around me. As Teacher's instructions and practice music play on the tape, I feel as if I am walking towards a brand new, beautiful world. My heart is full of gratitude and happiness.

Under a fellow practitioner's warm-hearted help, I have already attended two Fa conferences, and have even seen Teacher within these three short months; I deeply feel an incomparable happiness. A recent miraculous experience has made me realize Teacher is by my side, protecting his disciples all the time.

On May 24th, 2004, right after participating in the Chicago Fa conference, I was driving back to Wisconsin. It was around 8 o'clock in the evening, and I was driving 70 mph on the highway. The traffic at the time was light, but a car behind me rapidly drove past me and stayed in front and to my left. A few minutes later, the car suddenly slowed down. I thought it was really odd. Because that car was blocking my front-left line of sight, I didn't see what was coming. I continued at my speed, and right when my car was about to pass that car, a large deer suddenly came from the left side to run across the highway. The deer and my car were separated by only about two meters, and I wasn't prepared for it at all. In an instant, the deer was in front of my car. Right when this happened, I saw an enormous Falun rotating which then vanished near my front wheels. My car sharply, yet smoothly stopped. The deer was nearly touching the body of my car, but it safely ran off.

My tears poured up suddenly. I was immensely grateful and even shouted out loudly: "Thank you Master! Thank you Master!" I knew it was Teacher protecting me, and it was Teacher that gave me a brand-new life. How can the words "thank you" substitute for Buddha's grace?

This was not only a supernatural experience, but it was righteously enlightening -- Gods were there! Falun was there! Everything was that real!

I am a new practitioner, and my understanding of the Fa is not profound. I need to diligently study the Fa, do the three things Teacher tells practitioners to do well, keep up with the course of Fa-Rectification, firmly follow Teacher, and walk the path of cultivation that Teacher has arranged.