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The Merciful and Pure Sounding Xiao (A Vertical Chinese Bamboo Flute)

June 15, 2004 |   By practitioner Wang Jiwu, Kentucky, US

(Clearwisdom.net) On the second day of the torture exhibit held in Chicago, a practitioner who was in charge of singing performances suggested that I play the xiao, a traditional Chinese bamboo flute that is held vertically. I had learned to play a bamboo flute before; however, it was only in the last two years that I started learning how to play the xiao. I became anxious and fearful at the thought of not be able to play it well. Soon, I realized this was a kind of selfishness. Teacher taught us to clarify the truth with mercy, but I was just thinking of myself. I should have thought how to use music to clarify truth to the world and save the sentient beings because music breaks through language and racial barriers. When the thought of selflessness came to my mind, I no longer felt anxious.

I repeatedly performed the songs "Pu Du (Save Sentient Beings)," "Please Come Sit By My Side," "Predestined Relationship," "De Du (Be Saved)," etc. Gradually, I felt as if time had stopped and I was no longer playing the xiao. It felt like I was explaining the facts of Falun Dafa practitioners being persecuted with my pure heart, explaining the goodness of Falun Dafa, and appealing to the sentient beings not to miss this predestined chance in tens of thousands of years. I felt a huge mercy inside me and could not help but shed tears.

During the break, a practitioner who had not listened to me play the xiao before told me, "You played so well today that I was in tears." Another practitioner told me that her friends were moved by my performance. What is more encouraging is that a practitioner from Washington D.C. told me that he had seen countless golden swords flying out of my xiao towards the evil forces. Sometimes, many swords intertwined to form a gigantic sword targeting the nest of the evil forces. The next day, the practitioner in charge of the singing performances told me her reason in asking me to repeatedly play the xiao was that she had seen a lot of compassion pouring out from the xiao while I was performing.

Teacher said, "Clarifying the truth during the gigantic changes has already become the major way of saving all beings and the world's people, so in doing this, the wisdom that Dafa has given you and the enormous capability that the Fa has provided you with are manifesting." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")