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Peru: Northern Peru Civilians and Local Media Welcome Falun Dafa (Photos)

May 27, 2004 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Peru

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 13, 2004, four Peruvian Falun Dafa practitioners went to CAJAMARCA, a city in Northern Peru. Practitioners first contacted Ms. Pilar, who was in charge of the city's culture center. After introducing Falun Gong and explaining the brutal persecution of practitioners in China, she was very happy to accept practitioners' application to give a free teaching class at the center on the coming weekend.

At 8 pm on May 13, Northern TV broadcast an interview with practitioners and a 4-minute Falun Gong exercises demonstration program. REB GLOBAL TV interviewed a Peruvian practitioner the following day.

In the next day (May 14, 004), six radio stations including SAN FRANCISCO, LAISON DOBLE N, CAJAMARCA, CAMPESINA and MODERNA interviewed practitioners. Each interview lasted from half an hour to one hour and was broadcasted live. Many employees of CAJAMARCA learned about the worldwide spread of Falun Dafa as well as the brutal persecution and practitioners' peaceful appeals from the radio broadcasting. A 13-year old young practitioner speaks Spanish fluently, during an interview with Radios San Francisco, she narrated the principles of Falun Gong and the reason that the persecution has occurred. The host was very interested and talked with practitioners for a long time. He also invited the practitioner to write an article about this interview and submit it with pictures to a local journal.

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A program Host of San Francisco Radid talking with a young practitioner

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A reporter of Red Global TV interviewing a Peruvian practitioner

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Teaching civilians Falun Gong in the courtyard of CAJAMARCA culture center

When practitioners went to MODERNA Radio at 6:30pm, the station said that they could only give practitioners a few minutes to inform their listeners about the information of Falun Gong teaching class as the station's news hour had just passed. In the studio, however, the host became very interested when the Pudu music was played and listened to practitioners' peaceful voices. From the practitioners' introduction, he learned the facts and the beauty of Falun Dafa and he invited practitioners to spend another 10 minutes in the studio after a 40-minute interview.

On 3 pm of the following Saturday (May 15), practitioners started to teach Falun Gong at the culture center. Surprisingly, the public arrived in group after group. They all heard about the free teaching from the media. Practitioners divided them into smaller groups for teaching and then conducteda group exercise with them all together. There were also large demand for Falun Gong books and practitioners had to run to a copy shop to make copies. 3 hours quickly passed by, people were reluctant to leave and asked practitioners how to start practice sites and whether or not they could get Master's Lecture Video as soon as possible. A lady presented practitioners a rose, she said that she had been waiting and looking for a good practice.