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San Diego, California: Miramar Community College Invites Practitioners to Introduce Falun Gong (Photos)

May 25, 2004 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in San Diego

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 19, 2004, more than ten practitioners were invited by San Diego's Miramar College to participate in the college's "Asia-Pacific Tradition Week." Practitioners set up a booth to introduce the practice and to clarify the truth about the persecution to faculty and students at the college. Our participation was warmly welcomed. A physical education instructor invited practitioners to introduce the Falun Gong exercises to her class.

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Demonstrating the exercises

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Clarifying the truth

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Clarifying the truth

Miramar College is a community college with more than 10,000 students, many of them of Chinese or Asian origin. Practitioners were pleased to see that most of the Chinese students and faculty who participated in the event accepted the Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Some even had long conversations with practitioners at our booth, while several others inquired about practice sites and schedules. Some of the visitors to our booth said that they would go to the practice sites to learn Falun Gong the following week.

The organizer of the event came to our booth several times to thank us for our support and contribution. He expressed his wish that Falun Gong practitioners could participate in more activities held by the college.