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Short Stories of People Coming to Learn the Truth about the Persecution of Falun Gong

May 24, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China


One Day a Friend of Mine from a Moving Company Told Me: "Your Master Li, the Founder of Falun Gong, Is Really Great!"

When I asked a friend the reason for his excitement, he told me that a branch office of his moving company gave an order on the afternoon of April 16 that all of its employees had to block the Minghui website. The order made people so curious that some of them secretly read the contents of Minghui and consequently learned the truth about the staged Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation. "Your Falun Gong practitioners are really skilled! Your Master is really great!" My friend smiled at me broadly.

Jiang and his group intended to block the truth about Dafa. Instead, they gave people a good opportunity to learn the truth.

My Sister-in-law Came to Understood the Truth Gradually

Last summer I was released from prison after three years of illegal imprisonment for appealing for justice for Falun Dafa. I am a college student, while my sister-in-law has never been to college. She could not understand the real reason I was imprisoned and harbored hatred towards Falun Dafa after my arrest.

After coming back home, I had been trying very hard to clarify the truth about Dafa to her, but she was always angry and would say disrespectful things about Dafa, even though I always talked to her in a calm and peaceful way. She even yelled loudly: "Don't ever mention Falun Gong to me anymore!"

I gave up my effort for the time being because she was buried totally in her anger. But whenever I visited my brother, I would take all kinds of truth-clarifying VCDs for them. I tried once to watch the VCDs with them but they would not watch. Then I continued to try for the second time, third time and many more times, but all my efforts were in vain. Gradually I almost lost all of my confidence. Afterwards, although I still took her more VCDs, I did not expect much but just hoped that one day she might want to watch them and understand more about the truth. I hoped that the "Global Chinese New Year Gala" could sway her, because she appreciated music and dance, and she knew that the famous singer Guan Guimin was a Dafa practitioner.

Eventually my efforts were rewarded. One night when I was in my brother's house chatting with his family, my sister-in-law brought up Falun Gong. She said: "Falun Gong has been outlawed for such a long period of time. I have been observing and studying the practitioners. I find that among practitioners there are many intellectuals with advanced degrees. I used to think that only less-educated people practiced Falun Gong, believing them to be foolish and ignorant. But the highly educated intellectuals also deeply believe in Falun Gong. This phenomenon deserves to be studied. Besides, during these years, the attitude of our government toward Falun Gong has been changing. I think the persecution of practitioners is wrong. Many people oppose the persecution. If Falun Gong becomes the trend again, I would practice it too."

Hong Kong Traveling Experience Report by a Mainland Chinese Practitioner

Two of my friends traveled to Hong Kong and when they returned, they told me everything they saw about Falun Gong: "You can see crowds everywhere practicing Falun Gong. Huge banners saying 'Falun Gong is good,' 'Falun Dafa is the righteous Way,' 'Bring Jiang to Justice Around the World' can be seen all over. Falun Gong practitioners hand out flyers to everyone they can."

From my friends' excited faces, I could sense the encouragement that Hong Kong practitioners brought to people from the Mainland. My friends expressed their displeasure with Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong and said that it could never succeed.