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Summary of Other Articles and News -- May 12, 2003

May 22, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

Dafa practitioners Yin Shuzhen and Yan Suqin from Mancheng County, Hebei Province went to Beijing twice to appeal for Dafa in 1999. They were illegally detained and their families were extorted 2,000 Yuan. In September 2000, Yin Shuzhen was sent to a Party operated brainwashing program where she was held for nine days. She was extorted 500 Yuan. In January 2001, Yin Shuzhen again went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and held at a detention center for over three months. After the detention she was sent to Baoding City Forced Labor Camp and held there for one year. On January 25, 2003 [Chinese lunar calendar], a group of police officers from Mancheng County jumped into the backyards of Yin Shuzhen and Yan Suqin's homes, abducted the two practitioners and held them at a detention center for over two months. They extorted 2,500 Yuan from the practitioners. The practitioners held a hunger strike during their detention and were force-fed.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Xia is around 30 years of age and lived in Bayannaoer Meng, Neimenggu Autonomous Region. She was abducted when distributing Dafa truth clarification materials and VCDs in Baotou City and was subsequently sent to the Guchengwan Detention Center in Baotou City. Later she was sentenced to eight years in prison. In the summer of 2002 she was sent to the No. 1 Female Prison in the Neimenggu Autonomous Region where she held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Later she was sent to the Neimenggu Prison Administration Bureau Hospital, where she was force-fed and injected with various drugs. So far, Wang Xia has been on a hunger strike for almost one-and-half years.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Xuan'e had worked at the Accounting Division for the Huoxing Street Administration office in Furong District, Changsha City. On May 9, 2004 she was abducted and sent to Laodaohe Brainwashing Class in Changsha City. It was learned that she was abducted because she clarified the truth at her work unit and was reported.