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KYW News Radio 1060: Group Marks Anniversary of Falun Gong (05/13/04)

May 19, 2004 |   By KYW's Karin Phillips

A small group gathered Thursday morning on Independence Mall to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the introduction of their spiritual practice to the world, and observation of the persecution that followed.

Women danced in beautiful pink dresses, carrying yellow fans. Children rolled around on the grass on Independence Mall, while their parents and friends gave out pamphlets and information.

It's all to celebrate that day in 1992 when practitioners of Falun Gong, a self cultivation practice, was introduced to the world at large, incurring the wrath of the Chinese government.

Phil Randell is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Levittown, Pa.:

"It's still primarily a celebration for us -- to honor the practice, to bring us together, to be able to celebrate it together, to practice and study together. But celebrations like this also give us the chance to help the world understand what is happening in China."

Since 1999, when the Chinese government declared it illegal, hundreds have been killed and thousands imprisoned and tortured for practicing Falun Gong.
