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The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in the Shanghai Qingpu Male Forced Labor Camp

May 11, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Shanghai

(Clearwisdom.net) The Shanghai Qingpu County Qingdong Forced Labor Camp (Shanghai No. 3 Forced Labor Camp) is one of the centralized places where Jiang's regime persecutes Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners. The persecution there is maintained by lies and violence. In order to cover up the truth, the labor camp is known as Qingdong Farm to the outside world. When you first enter the Qingdong Farm, there is the view is of a big plant nursery and a man-made lake. There are carefully landscaped trees, flowers and plants in the plant nursery. Behind the nursery is a line of pink residential buildings. It looks nice from the outside, but the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners happens inside these buildings.

Instructor Hong and leader Xiang of the Falun Gong Strictly Monitored Team (specifically set up to persecute Falun Gong practitioners) lead the policemen to brutally abuse practitioners both physically and mentally. They vigorously fabricate lies, create situations to frame practitioners, deceive, blackmail, and violently torment practitioners.

The methods commonly used by the police to persecute practitioners include forced brainwashing, withholding food and drink, sleep deprivation, and intensified military training. They also use the methods that "break through people's limit," such as beating practitioners with several electric batons simultaneously, forcing them to sit on the "Tiger Bench" (1), hanging them up by handcuffs and/or ropes, and forcing them to wash themselves with cold water outdoors in the winter. Their intention is to destroy practitioners' wills and physical bodies.

The "little tiger bench" in the forced labor camp is actually a cable spindle from the factory. It is 18 centimeters (about 7 inches) high with two disks 15 centimeters (about 5.9 inch) in diameter on each side. The surface is uneven. Dafa practitioners are forced to sit on the disk with both feet touching the ground, but the buttocks support most of the weight. The police order the criminal inmates who are drug addicts to tie practitioner's hands behind their backs. They tightly tie them from the shoulders down to the wrists with strong adhesive tape until they cannot move at all. Then they continuously kick the core of the cable spindle, so it constantly rubs practitioners' buttocks back and forth and the person cannot sit steadily. Within less than an hour, the skin on the buttocks becomes broken, and begins to fester. This torture continues all day. More brutally, the police force practitioners to sit on the spindle core itself while holding the feet together and the knees separated, the legs forming a "V" shape. This is done to prevent the practitioner from using their legs and feet for support. Then two strong men stand on the practitioner's legs, and at the same time, the police have ordered the criminals to brutally beat practitioners, causing their noses and mouths to bleed. This torture can last more than 40 hours. After a bit of rest, it is repeated for another 40 hours, again and again.

For steadfast practitioners, the police ordered the criminal inmates to use a toothbrush to ruthlessly scratch, dig and rub their chest between the ribs, back and forth, causing the muscle fibers to be broken. Then they forcibly stabbed the front of the chest with the toothbrush. In this torture, the surface of the chest showed a few dents, but no wounds were visible on the skin. It is impossible to imagine the pain and brutality of this torture without seeing and experiencing it oneself.

On many occasions, the police would torture a Falun Gong practitioner with several electric batons at the same time, causing the skin to become blackened and dead. Practitioners were handcuffed and hung up with their feet off the ground and beaten for more than twenty hours on end. Sometimes this torture even lasted for several days and nights. Practitioners were not allowed to use the toilet during this time. The wicked people lashed practitioners with bamboo sticks until their whole body became black and purple. This torture was commonly seen. The Strictly Monitored Team of the Shanghai No. 1 Forced Labor Camp in Dafeng, Jiangsu Province inhumanly persecutes Falun Gong practitioners mentally and physically; however the newspaper said, "On the beautiful Yellow Sea shore, Shanghai No. 1 Forced Labor Camp has an exquisite environment. Falun Gong [practitioners] are cared for by the government. Every day they play chess and cards... The nutrition is good... Clean and hygienic..."

Falun Gong practitioners have no human freedoms in the forced labor camp, not to mention any human rights. There are also some collaborators (2) who assisted in persecuting practitioners under the instigation of the police. One collaborator named Xu Xin forced steadfast practitioners to put their hands on a stool. Then Xu hit their hands with another stool. The police even said, "This person doesn't even look human." The regular criminal inmates, such as habitual criminals who are incarcerated for fighting, larceny, cheating, prostitution, and drugs use are given merits for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The police exempted them from work and gave them cigarettes. The hooligans who monitored practitioners take turns sleeping in order to make it easier for them to carry out the police order of "strictly holding Falun Gong practitioners under duress." The more brutally and inhumanly they treat practitioners, the more award points they can get for early release. They randomly demand and take practitioners' personal property, steal practitioners' meals, etc. This is the real snapshot of Shanghai's re-education through labor during the so-called "best period in China's human rights."

In this oppressive environment, there are quite a lot of policemen and education personnel who have regained their kindness and their basic human nature, which had been covered up for a long time, through the efforts and encouragement of Dafa practitioners. The kind police either got a transfer to other brigades, or intentionally avoid participating in the persecution on their own initiative. Some of the education personnel changed from hating and being afraid of Falun Gong practitioners in the beginning [due to the negative propaganda continuously put forth by Jiang's regime], to stealthily protecting and supporting practitioners. Some of them took the initiative to learn the truth about Falun Dafa and even learned to recite Teacher's articles. They are not willing to abuse Dafa practitioners, and sincerely told practitioners things like, "Falun Gong practitioners are great!" or "So many good people are steadfastly refusing to give up Falun Gong. Falun Gong must be good!" and "Tell me how to contact you [when you are released], I also want to learn Falun Gong!"

Many practitioners have received positive affirmation from educational cadres, policemen and other personnel. A cadre surnamed Qin said, "You are truly good people!" Some cadres said to me, "Tell me if you need help; I will certainly do it if I can." Some team leaders boldly told me, "I never believe in the party's propaganda!" "Your realm is quite high for sure. It's incomparable with ordinary people." "Dafa practitioners' inner natures are very high. I couldn't even dream of keeping you here!" A team leader surnamed Zhang said, "You are full of righteousness, you are especially righteous!" Another team leader said, "You are good people. I understand this, but I can't say much now in this position."

Actually, many team leaders and guards are obviously disgusted with the persecution of Falun Gong and the abuse of practitioners.

Our Shanghai Dafa practitioners are walking better and better on the path of assisting Teacher in the Fa-rectification process. We are becoming more and more rational, clear headed and steadfast, and we understand better what a Dafa practitioner should do.

  1. "Tiger Bench:" Practitioners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead. They are not allowed to turn their heads, close their eyes, talk to anyone or move at all. Several inmates are assigned to watch over the practitioners and force them to remain motionless while sitting on the bench. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the practitioners' lower legs or ankles to make it harder for them to tolerate this abuse (see illustration on )
  1. Collaborators: Former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture.