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Dafa Disciples' Solemn Declarations

April 21, 2004 |  

Solemn Declaration

I started to practice Falun Gong in 1999, and have benefited from it both physically and mentally. After Jiang started to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, I also fell victim to this policy. I went to Beijing to appeal three times. Once, a fellow practitioner and I were detained by the police and taken to a hotel, where they asked our names. When I wouldn't comply, a big and strong policeman handcuffed my hands behind my back and slapped my face with a shoe. My face became swollen and my vision was blurry. Then he wrestled me to the ground and used his shoes to hit my backside. My body was covered with bruises. When the policeman became tired, he placed a metal chair on top of my body, and sat on it.

Within the last four years, I have been detained and harassed by the authorities many times.

Around midnight on April 8th 2002, my village's security officers brought in the police, who broke into my home, stole photos of Master Li and Falun Dafa books, and threatened to send me to a forced labor camp. They dragged me out of the room, causing my feet to start bleeding from being dragged along the ground. They ransacked my home a total of three times and sent me to the police station, threatening prolonged detention. I was forced to be fingerprinted. When I did not submit, they started to torture me and broke my right thumb. I was detained for fifteen days.

On August 30th 2003, around 7 p.m., seven or eight people abducted me after they stopped my husband's cart, dragged me off into a police car and sent me to a brainwashing class. If you decided to go on a hunger strike at that facility, you would be force-fed. During the nights, we were left to be bitten by mosquitoes. During the daytime, we were forced to do slave labor and watch brainwashing videos.

The constant lies made some people confused. I had not studied the Fa intensively and seriously, and I had attachments that I didn't want to give up, which, combined with the high-pressure environment, caused me to write the "three statements" [renouncing Falun Gong]. I recognize that this brought a bad effect to Dafa.

I am hereby declaring my "three statements" as null and void. After I studied the Fa more intensely, I recognized my attachments. I often protected my self-interests, and didn't restrain myself according to the Fa and higher principles.

In the future, I'll make a greater effort in cultivating Dafa, to erase the stains I left behind. I will act according to Master's requirements.

Zhang Aixiang



Solemn Declaration

I was fortunate to begin the practice of Falun Dafa in 1995, and, after suffering through many years of illness, I became both physically healthier and mentally happier. However, since I didn't study the Fa deeply enough, when the subsequent persecution of Falun Gong caught up with me, I became lost and frightened. I did not act according to the Fa principles and gave Master's book and lecture tapes to the police patrol and my employer. I signed the so-called "guarantee statements" [renouncing Falun Gong]. In addition, my family also wrote a "guarantee statement" in my name, and I tore up Master's book. I now realize that these are all sinful deeds.

Therefore, I now solemnly state: Everything my family and I have written [against Falun Dafa] is null and void. I feel terrible about all my wrongdoings. I would like to apologize to Master and Dafa. Merciful Master gave me another chance to cleanse myself. I want to be a genuine Dafa disciple. I want to look at things from the standpoint of Dafa. I will do the three things a Dafa disciple should do: Study the Fa seriously with righteous thoughts and righteous belief, I will explain the truth to people to make up for my wrongdoings, I will walk righteously on the path of cultivation, and follow Master closely during Fa-rectification.

Xie Xiuyin

