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Summary of Other Articles and News - April 10, 2004

April 21, 2004 |  


Facts of The Persecution

1. My name is Yang Xiaojie. I reside on Pingan South Street in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, and I used to work at the Chinese Youth Daily Northern Division office. Because of my belief in Falun Dafa, I was illegally detained on September 28, 2001 and was sentenced to eleven years in prison by the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court. I have been imprisoned at the Shijiazhuang North Suburb Prison in Hebei Province since July 15, 2003. Because I refused to acknowledge guilt and to participate in the reeducation through labor, I was put in solitary confinement. Prompted by the wicked police, Fan Jiangshan, a jailed criminal from the Xinle area, Hebei Province, kicked me and beat me up, knocking out one of my teeth and causing pain in my lower abdomen for two days. Later, the police handcuffed me and put shackles on my feet.

2. My name is Ms. Heng Guifang. I am over fifty years old and live in Xiaohan Town, in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. Soon after I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, I recovered from all of my illnesses. In the winter of 2001, I went to Beijing to validate Dafa. Police from the Beijing Public Security Bureau beat me up and detained me for two days. Later they transferred me to the Shunyi Public Security Bureau. Because I refused to give them my name, a big and tall policeman stepped on my leg, and proceeded to shock my legs and mouth with an electric baton. He even struck my head. Three days later, I was taken to the Shunyi brainwashing class. Later they sent me to the Guanghan Detention Center where I was detained for over twenty days.

3. Dafa practitioner Ms. Huang Xuelan is a cashier at the Tengxiang Division of the Wuming County Chaoyan Tree Farm in Nanning City, Guangxi Province. On April 6, 2000, together with other practitioners, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. She was sent back to Wuming County where the authorities tortured her, trying to force her to give information and to renounce Falun Dafa. Then she was sent directly to the Nanning City Maoqiao Forced Labor Camp to serve for two years. After enduring numerous inhumane tortures, she was finally released in October 2001. In February of 2002 before the Chinese Spring Festival, the Wuming County Political and Legislative Committee and other offices gathered Dafa practitioners and held a so-called "transformation forum." During the meeting, Huang Xuelan openly declared that all the materials she had written under duress to denounce Falun Gong were null and void. The next day, she was taken to the county detention center where she was detained for fifteen days. On March 2, a dozen policemen broke into and ransacked her home. Ms. Huang was once again abducted and is now imprisoned at Guangxi Female Prison.

4. My name is Jiang Lin, and I am a Dafa practitioner from Dasanjiazi Village in Fuyu County, Jilin Province. On March 16, 2002, I was abducted from home by the police and sent to the Yinmahe Labor Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province. There, they attempted to force me to give up my belief in Falun Dafa. I refused. They then shocked me with electric batons and incited the other prisoners to beat me up. When I went on a hunger strike to protest, prison guard Zhang Mingcai and Zhao Jiusheng force-fed me. They tied my four limbs to metal chairs and forcefully opened my mouth with a mouth-opening device. When I resisted, they called in the regular criminal inmates to drag me across the floor and run around. A chunk of flesh from my right leg and tailbone was torn off, causing severe bleeding. My head was knocked against the iron bed, and I passed out.

5. Ms. Kang Aiming is a Dafa practitioner from Xiangyang District in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. She was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp in June 2002. She is still incarcerated at the Jiamusi City Labor Camp, enduring inhumane torture. The wicked police Li Xiujin, Sun Limin and Zhou Jiahui viciously hung her up with both her hands handcuffed behind her back. However, she still refused to give up her belief. Sun Limin then grabbed her hair and beat her. She suffered excruciating pain from being hung up in a contorted position. Blood appeared in the corner of her mouth, and she felt dizzy and fell to the floor. Zhou Huijia then attempted to revive her with acupuncture.

6. Torture cases in Ximeng Zhengxiang Baiqi, Inner Mongolia: In 2000, the Zhengxiang Baiqi Public Security Office abducted practitioner Shi Jun. After enduring torture for one month, he still was forced to pay a fine of 5,000 yuan [500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. In 2001, the police once again abducted him and took him to the Public Security Office where he was tortured for over forty days. Because he refused to give up his belief, he was sent to the Inner Mongolian Hohhot Prison. Practitioner Ms. Zhang Jinxia from Zhengxiang Baiqi of Inner Mongolia was abducted and taken to the Inner Mongolian Hohhot Female Prison, leaving her two little children at home without anyone to care for them. In October of 2003, seventeen practitioners including Yu Lianfang, Ren Cuilian, Liu Hanqing and Zhang Fang were deceived and abducted by the police. They were threatened with torture and imprisonment in an effort to force them to give up their belief.

7. Cai Maobao was a teacher at the 5727 Factory Affiliated School in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. He was repeatedly harassed and tortured by the local authorities. Cai Maobao used to be an "outstanding worker" year after year. Since July 20, 1999, because of his belief in Falun Dafa, he was expelled from school and lost his membership in the Party as well as entitlement to public services, medical and other insurance. He was illegally detained because he went to appeal. After being released, he found employment three times. However, each time, his employer had to reluctantly let Mr. Cai go, a dutiful and responsible employee, due to pressure from the higher authorities because Mr. Cai is a Falun Gong practitioner. On March 3, the repetitive tortures took their toll, and Mr. Cai was physically and mentally exhausted. He fell gravely ill and was admitted to the hospital. The perpetrators involved in the persecution include Hu Rongbang, Zhang Ming, Luo Siyin and Chen Xin.

Perpetrators and their Crimes

Crimes committed by police officer Zhu Weiguo from the public security Sub-Bureau of Qinhuangdao City's Development District in Shandong Province: In March 2004, because of his well-known viciousness and cruelty in torturing Dafa practitioners, Zhu Weiguo was awarded the "Class Two Merit Award" by the public security system. As early as April 25, 1999, at the Qinhangdao City Fa conference, with over 5,000 attendees, Zhu Weiguo, in plainclothes, had taken it upon himself to mingle with the attendees, take photographs of the practitioners attending the conference and monitor their activities. In an attempt to gain merit, the Public Security Sub-Bureau interrogated Li Qiyue, the volunteer Falun Gong contact person in the Qinhuangdao area. A young lawyer named Pang Shuyue, an industrial and commercial bank accountant named Bi Yanzhen, and Zhang Junxi, over sixty years old, were all persecuted by Zhu Weiguo.

Atrocities committed by police in Zhangqiang Township, Kangping County, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province: in 1999, Gao Zhongfeng, the director of the Zhangqiang Town security office, attempted to force practitioners to denounce their belief. They illegally ransacked their homes, seized their Dafa books, and imposed fines. Several practitioners were detained at the local nursing home without heat and food. In 2000, Liu Chunyu, the new director of the security office, beat up and shocked practitioners with electric batons. These practitioners had all signed a public petition letter calling for an end to the persecution. In January of 2001, practitioner Wang Junying suffered a severe infection on his face as a result of injury from the electric shock baton. Others who participated in the torture include Liu Xue, Wang Fuzhi, Shou Yongguo, Yang Zhanwu and Lu Jun.