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My Understanding of Master's Recent Article, "Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts"

April 13, 2004 |   By Li Minzhen

(Clearwisdom.net) Having read Master's new article, "Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts," I felt that the whole Fa-rectification process has now been pushed to a more profound and much broader extent. After a few years of cultivation within Fa-rectification, most of the Dafa disciples have obtained the ability to eliminate the dark minions. Master has given chances to these dark minions again and again, yet they have shown no sign of repentance. In fact, they "are now themselves taking part in the things that the rotten demons have been doing. They are directly persecuting Dafa disciples and interfering with the Fa-rectification."

My understanding is that it has been a while since the dark minions started to directly sin against Fa-rectification. The only difference is that they are now sinning against Dafa to a much broader degree and are less disguised than they used to be. For instance, during the time when I was detained in the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp, I could often see either a few or a cloud of purple light spots as tiny as the tip of a pen. Sometime I could see a purple cluster. At the beginning I thought these were Master's hints to encourage me to suppress and eliminate rotten demons, but soon I figured that I was wrong, because the more brutally I was tortured, the denser the purple light I could see. Many times, they even attached themselves to the heads of the policemen and the inmates who were persecuting me. I was astonished. Master does not approve of these kinds of "so-called tests" during Fa-rectification, let alone encouraging Dafa disciples to approve of them. "There must be something wrong there!" I thought. Back then, though, I did not realize that I should regularly send forth righteous thoughts directly to the dark minions. What I did was to understand them from their very nature, from the perspective of Fa-rectification, so as not to be misled when they re-appeared.

It was this new article of Master's that suddenly cleared up my mind. The later the stage the Fa-rectification reaches, the higher the standards it sets for Dafa disciples' levels, our states, and our capabilities. Even a slight relaxation or attachment would prevent us from meeting the requirements of Fa-rectification. It may even let in the evil interference. Let us use our ever clearer and bolder righteous thoughts to thoroughly and completely eliminate the dark minions and to walk every step in an upright manner on the path of Fa-rectification.