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Summary of Other Articles and News -- April 1, 2004

April 11, 2004 |  


News From China

Chenxi County "610 Office"(1) head Yang Wenjun arrested more than 100 Falun Dafa practitioners and extorted from each Falun Dafa practitioner several hundred to tens of thousands of yuan (2). He unlawfully sent more than 10 Falun Dafa practitioners to labor camps, including one of his old classmates, Mr. Yang Shiqi, who was a teacher at High School No. 3. Police Leader Yu Qingchang and Vice Leader Xie Kaiji, among others arrested many Falun Dafa practitioners, and tortured them. After Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Yuman was tortured by Yu Qingchang and Xie Kaiji, her sister came from another county to clarify the truth to the officers. When she received no response from them, she filed an official report with the County People's Congress, and the Procuratorate, "Requesting the Release of Yang Yuman, Who Was Illegally Detained." She is submitting this report to the County Political Judiciary Committee and the police station. She is filing this report with all relevant parties, requesting that a lawsuit be brought against Yu Qingchang and Xie Kaiji for their crime of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners.

Persecutors' Evil Deeds

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Hui was an employee of the Qingshan Credit Union in Lin-an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. After the persecution against Falun Dafa began in July 1999, her employer and the local police illegally detained her. In September 2001, police tried to force her to promise not to go to Beijing to appeal, but she absolutely refused. She was then put under house arrest. She escaped from the second floor window, went to Beijing, unfurled a banner, and was arrested by police. She escaped from the police station, but left all her money in a purse. She had to go back to get the purse and was arrested again. Police then put her in a cage with three German shepherds.

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Jitang from Lingshou County, Hebei Province is 65 years old. He was arrested while on his way to Beijing to appeal. After being sent back to the local county police station, police officers Zhao Lanjiang and Cao Qingfeng took turns kicking his chin and head with their boots until both of them were too tired to continue. They sent the old man to the Lingshou County No.2 Prison and threatened his son with having to pay 6,000 yuan before they would release him.

Police officer An Zhenzhi and Liu Hong from the Congtai District Station in Handan City, Henan Province actively arrested Falun Dafa practitioners and ransacked their homes. They also extorted the practitioners' money. Recently, police officers An Zhenzhi and Liu Hong instructed police to arrest Falun Dafa practitioner Li Tongzhi for the fourth time. According to incomplete statistics, at least 50 Falun Dafa practitioners have been wrongfully arrested by police from Congtai District. Among them, Ms. Chen Yuqing was tortured to death.

On December 10 and 11, 2001 police officers Mo Pingjun and Zhu Lejun from Wangdu County, Hebei Province, along with others they brought, arrested 19 Falun Dafa practitioners in eight villages and sent them to a brainwashing class in Wangdu County. They also arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Li Meijuan and Ms. Li Yanqin, who were posting truth-clarifying materials, and sent them to the Wangdu County Detention Center. They handcuffed Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Qiaozhen to a heating pipe, beat her, and shocked her with an electric baton. Ms. Li Meijuan and Li Yanqin were beaten until their mouths were bleeding and their faces were swollen. After several months, Ms. Li Meijuan was sentenced to two years of labor camp, and Ms. Li Yanqin was sentenced to 18 months of labor camp. Inside the brainwashing class, Shang Zhihong had several Falun Dafa practitioners who were on hunger strike tied to wooden bed boards and force-fed. After several days, Ms. Xiao Kun and Ms. Liu Qiaozhen escaped the den of evil. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Tai Yurong was tortured to death. Police officers Mo Pingjun and Zhu Lejun are chasing after Ms. Liu Qiaozhen.

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Yuying, who is disabled, was abducted in November 2003 and taken to the Longshan Labor Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, where she was tortured and beaten. As a result, she was twitching, had a hard time eating, and had urinary incontinence. Ms. Gao Rongrong was also abducted and taken to the Longshan Labor Camp. Police there punished her by making her squat 24 hours a day. This made her heart beat dangerously fast, exhausted her four limbs, made her feel intense pain all over her body, and made her abdomen swell.

(1) The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.

(2) Yuan: the Chinese currency; the average monthly pay of an urban worker is 500 yuan.