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Ninety-Three-Year Old Grandmother Cries Out: "Why Are Good People Being Imprisoned?"

March 19, 2004 |  


To the Neighborhood Committee and all my neighbors:

I am the 93-year-old grandmother of Yue Xia, an employee of Weifang Pharmaceutical Company. Yue Xia was given a twelve-year prison sentence by Kuiwen District Court in Weifang City, Shandong Province last summer because she practices Falun Gong. She was arrested along with her oldest son, Yue Ping. Yue Ping was given a three-year sentence. Now only my little great-grandson and I are left alone at home. We live a very hard life.

I really cannot understand: What harm does my granddaughter do by practicing "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"? I have lived to such an old age but I never heard that a good person should be sentenced to jail. After my granddaughter started practicing Falun Gong she stopped being short-tempered and showed her filial devotion to me in many ways. My two other great-grandsons are very obedient to me too. Yue Ping especially was always concerned about how I was doing. Before Yue Ping was sentenced I visited him in the detention center. He said to me: "Great-grandmother, I really want to be home taking care of you." Seeing his emaciated appearance, my heart was broken.

To the leaders of the judicial department and the neighborhood committee and every neighbor: Please extend the hand of justice and do something righteous about the tragedy inflicted upon my family. Let my granddaughter come back home. Let me, a ninety-year-old woman, have someone to depend on, and let my great-grandchildren be taken care of by their mother, and let my great-grandson come home. He is still a child and is supposed to live with his family.

Sincerely yours,

Ms. Fan, the grandmother of Yue Xia