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North Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Group Fa-study and Experience Sharing (Photos)

March 18, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Minghui reporter Zhu Lizhi reports from Taiwan: A Falun Dafa North Taiwan Group Fa-study and Experience Sharing activity was held on the evening of March 12 to March 14, 2004, at the Jiantan Youth Activity Center in Taipei. More than 1,500 Falun Gong practitioners from north Taiwan attended. The practitioners were from all walks of life, with different professions and ages. Many people's entire family practices Falun Gong, and the whole family came to study the Fa and share experiences together. Among the attendees, about 70 practitioners were from a Minnan Dialect Class, and there was also an 88-year-old practitioner. Many elderly people were able to read after practicing Falun Dafa, and have become healthier day by day. A young practitioners' class included Dafa practitioners from 5 years old up to senior high school students. The activities included Fa-study, practicing the exercises, cultivation experience sharing, singing songs composed by Dafa practitioners, movies and story telling.

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Morning exercises on the lawn at Jiantan Activity Center
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Truth-clarifying experience sharing Young Dafa practitioners study the Fa Twin sisters make a phone call to China to clarify the truth

Practitioners first studied the Fa and shared experiences in small groups. Each group had more than 20 practitioners. On the afternoon of March 14, practitioners shared truth clarification experiences in a large group. During two-days of Fa-study and experience sharing, many practitioners expressed that after practicing Falun Dafa, all their illnesses disappeared. They have become energetic and in a good mood, even-tempered, their families have become harmonious and happy, and their work goes smoothly. The following are cultivation experiences of a few practitioners.

Ms. Wang Qiuyue from Miaoli County has practiced Falun Dafa for a year. Before her practice, she suffered from liver problems, bone spur, high blood pressure, high uric acid, and being anxious and depressed. She had to see doctors quite often. When she began practicing Falun Gong, she could not even stand still because of her poor health, but she still persistently practiced the exercises every day. An obvious physical improvement could be seen within a week. Right now, all her illnesses have disappeared and she feels very good. She used to be illiterate, but she can read now after studying the Falun Dafa teachings.

Mr. Peng Shiwen from Taoyuan County expressed that his whole family, including his parents and wife all practice Falun Gong, and they are all in good condition. Their healthcare card records have been given a grade of "A" for several years. Following the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," their family members have become considerate of each other. As for their children's education, they used to attach great importance to strengthen their competitive competence. After practicing Falun Dafa, they educate their children to become persons who benefit society.

Deng Fuxuan, a first grader at the Nanmen Middle School in Taipei, has practiced Falun Dafa for more than two years. He likes going to Taipei Minghui School. His mother has become healthier and even-tempered after practicing Falun Dafa, and encourages him to learn and practice. He had never thought of being able to benefit both physically and mentally from practicing Falun Dafa, but he became more energetic and full of vitality. His schoolwork also made progress, and he quarreled less with his younger brother.

Ms. Huang Shuyuan from Wenshan District, Taipei brought her son and daughter to attend the Young Practitioners' class. Her daughter Chen Yiru has experienced positive changes after practicing Falun Dafa for more than a year. She used to come down with flu quite often, but it's no longer the case now. She can listen to others and be considerate of others. She can get up every morning herself, and is ready to help others. Her teacher often praises her.

Also on this day, a contest of mental arithmetic in Taipei happened to take place at Jiantan Youth Activity Center. Many parents and their children came to attend the contest. Falun Gong practitioners and young practitioners' activities left a good impression on them.