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Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at the Xiangdong Chemical Factory, Linyuan City, Liaoning Province

March 16, 2004 |   By Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999 more than 100 Dafa practitioners from the Xiangdong Chemical Factory in Linyuan City have suffered various degrees of persecution. Among them, three have been sentenced to jail, eighteen were sent to forced labor camps, fifty two have been detained, and eight were fired from their jobs. According to incomplete statistics, they were fined over 42,800 Yuan (1). In addition, at least seven have been sent to brainwashing sessions, one was sent to a mental hospital, and one had his pension suspended. Many Dafa practitioners' homes were ransacked for Dafa books and tapes, or were harassed at work. The responsible people involved in the persecution are Zhang Xun, the head of the Xiangdong Police Station, and Sun Guohua, the head of the "610 Office" (2).

Case 1: Ms. Sun Ying is in her 60s. Before practicing Falun Dafa, she had rectal cancer. She sought various medical treatments without success. Hopeless, she awaited death. But after she practiced Falun Gong, she recovered from her illness. When the persecution began in July 20, 1999 she tried to tell people that Falun Dafa is good using her personal experience. In October 1999 she went to Beijing to appeal, but was arrested and detained in the Linyuan Detention Center. Since then, she has been detained four times. Police officer Sun Guohua illegally searched Sun Ying's home many times, and confiscated Dafa books and tapes.

In August 2001 Sun Guohua detained her in the Linyuan Detention Center, and later sentenced her to four years in Jail. Now Sun Ying is detained at the Dabei Prison. Her family was forced to pay 400 Yuan to Sun Guohua. After that, Sun Guohua extorted money many times from Sun Ying's family, which caused a heavy financial burden on her husband and children. Now Sun Ying's husband is suffering from cerebral venous thrombosis while she is in jail simply for her firm belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.

Case 2: Dafa practitioners Liu Zhiling and Zhao Cuihua went to Beijing to appeal during the July 20 period, but were blocked and detained at the Xiangdong Police Station for one night and fined. In October 1999, when fellow practitioners visited their home, police officers Li Changchun and Sun Guohua, with no warrant or any proper legal procedures, brought all of them to the police station for interrogation. Liu Zhiling was beaten up and threatened. Fearful of the police officers' horrific actions, Liu fainted. Liu and Zhao were each fined 1,000 Yuan. Afterwards they were frequently monitored and had their home ransacked. Dafa books and video and audio tapes were taken away. Under such an unbearable situation, Lui and Zhao left home to avoid further persecution, leaving their 15 year old child alone at home. The persecution has caused great pain to their parents and child.

Case 3: Mr. Chan Baogui and Ms. Huang Guimei went to Beijing to appeal during the July 20,1999 period, but were arrested and sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. When Ms. Huang was released from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, Sun Guohua ordered police officer Huang Ju to go collect 500 Yuan from Ms. Huang's mother-in-law, saying that was the expense of picking up Huang Guimei. In December 2001, after Mr. Chan was released for less than a month, Sun Guohua, Li Jinliang, and other police officers abducted him and Ms. Huang and took them to the Linyuan Brainwashing Center, leaving their child alone at home.

Chan's mother, who is in her 70s, had to take care of both his father, who was injured in a car accident, and his child, who is going to school. Chan's mother asked the head of the police station, police officer Zhang Xun, and Sun Guohua to release her son and daughter-in-law, but they refused her request. Then Chan Baogui and Huang Guimei went on a hunger strike to request the release of at least one of them. Under their strong insistence, Chan was released. Not long after Huang Guimei was released from the brainwashing class she was arrested again in April 2002. She did not cooperate with the evil persecutors, and escaped. Now the couple is forced to leave home, again leaving their child and parents unattended.

Case 4: Ms. Shen Guolan is a widow. Her husband died in a car accident, and she lives with her only child. She was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp because she went to Beijing to appeal after July 20, 1999 when the persecution of Falun Dafa began. After being released, she was abducted again and taken to the Linyuan Detention Center by police officers Sun Guohua, Wei Zhongquan, and others.

She held a hunger strike to resist the persecution but was cruelly force-fed. In the hospital, she escaped by using her righteous thoughts, and had to leave home to avoid further abuse, leaving her child alone at home. In 2003 the police arrested her at her work place in Shenyang and sent her to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Case 5: Ms. Wu Xiangmei has also been detained and sent to a forced labor camp. One evening in 2001 she and Sun Ying went to clarify the truth to people but were arrested by police officer Li Changchun, who was monitoring them. Li kicked them, then threw them into a tricycle, brought them to the Linyuan Detention Center, and detained them for one month.

In May 2003 Ms. Wu delivered Dafa truth clarification materials to the Business and Trade Company. Police officer Wang Shiliang, from the Yangzhangzi Township Police station, saw her and reported her using his cell phone. She was arrested and detained for two months at the Linyuan Detention Center before her three year sentence in a forced labor camp.

Case 6: Han Xiao's entire family practices Falun Gong. Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Dafa began, his family has suffered various degrees of persecution. Han Xiao has been detained three times and sent to a forced labor camp twice. Han Xuemei was detained at least once. Han Meiling was detained three times and sent to a forced labor camp once.

On October 20, 2003 seven police officers, including Xu Weijun and Li Zhongkai from the Xiangdong Police Station, arrested Han Meiling at her work place and detained her at the Linyuan Detention Center for twenty days. There she was tortured and force-fed with highly concentrated salt water, and was released only after she was debilitated. Only six days after her release, police officer Li Changchun and Sun Guohua went to her home to arrest her, but she was not at home. Han Meiling was forced to leave home to avoid further illegal arrest.

When Han Meiling was brought to the police station, her 78 year-old mother went to the police station to beg them to leave her daughter at home because she was the only person left at home with no one to care for her, but no police officer showed any concern. At that time, her son Han Xiao was still detained in a forced labor camp.

During the past four years, Han Meiling's mother suffered tremendous mental torture. Four of her children have been arrested numerous times and every time she suffered.

(1) Yuan: Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan.

(2) "610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.
