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Falun Dafa Saved My Life Twice

February 26, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In January 1996, I was on my way to spread Falun Dafa to other areas. When I was at the bottom of a hill, a four-wheel tractor full of stones lost control and came down towards me from the top of the hill. When the tractor was about 10 yards away from me, it seemed as though someone picked up the whole tractor to a height of about a meter and put it down on the other side of the road. The tractor driver and the people at the scene were all shocked, wondering how the tractor could fly up all by itself. I was very calm, not afraid at all, because I knew that it was Master who saved me.

In the fall of the same year, I was on a wagon taking grain to the government, and another tractor full of stones lost control and scuttled towards me. When it was only 2 or 3 yards away from me, the tractor suddenly changed direction by itself and stopped. I knew that Master had saved me again.

Other Examples of Benefits from Dafa

In 1997, a three-wheel vehicle owned by a person in my village had an accident. The vehicle flew up and flipped upside down in the air. When it was about one meter away from the ground, the vehicle flipped again by itself and came back to the ground safely. People in the vehicle avoided a severe accident. There were two Dafa practitioners with them on the same vehicle.

In 1997, a Dafa practitioner was driving a cart pulled by a mule. The mule was frightened and suddenly lost control, and the cart pushed the practitioner against a door. The cart stopped when the practitioner was several inches away from the door, and the Dafa practitioner was not injured at all. It was Dafa that saved him.

There were two other practitioners living in my village. Before practicing Dafa, they both suffered from incurable diseases. The hospital told them to prepare for a funeral. They fully recovered after practicing Dafa and are still alive today.