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Fortitude Carries Practitioner Through Four Years of Forced Labor

February 13, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner just out of a forced labor camp. Being imprisoned twice for a total of nearly four years didn't change my belief in Dafa. On the contrary, the constant endeavor strengthened my belief and resolve.

The daily physical and psychological tortures I endured in the camp left me with only two choices. I could either be dauntless, or I could betray my beliefs. I chose to uphold my beliefs even under the threat of death. As a Dafa practitioner, I remained strong. I reminded myself, "I can not shed tears or stumble even though I am a woman. How can I just collapse? I must stand up for freedom and open up the sky to the heavens." These thoughts arose in me as a result of the compassion in my heart

The policemen and the prisoners committed numerous crimes against me. Their true natures were revealed through their actions and words. "We are the emperors when the doors close behind you," a policeman told us upon our arrival. "I can not permit you to treat me like this. You torture me just because I practice Falun Gong. You must not do this," I said. In this dignified way, I offered them mercy. Instead, they showed no mercy to imprisoned Dafa practitioners in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp nor in the jails of Tianjin City. They forced the practitioners to give them massages and clean chamber pots, and they often curse practitioners when speaking to them. The police also use their knees to hit unmarried young practitioners' private areas, and then put them into cells holding homosexual criminals. The police did these in attempt to force practitioners to write repentance letters*. To threaten and try to force practitioners to give up, the police openly murdered an over fifty-year-old women by repeatedly lifting her up and forcefully throwing her to the ground.

Dafa practitioners are working hard to tell people the facts about what is happening. We are seeking justice, and asking kind hearted people to aid us in stopping this vicious persecution.

* They are documents coerced under extreme pressure, torture and brainwashing, designed by the Chinese authority to ensure that detained Falun Gong practitioners be appropriately brain-washed.