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Teacher's Compassionate Care Has Made It Possible for Me to be Where I Am Today

December 18, 2004 |   By a practitioner from Guangdong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I had ill health as a child and nearly died at the age of 8 when I contracted hydrocrania (accumulated fluid in the brain). I suffered from the effects of the disease. As a result, I often had headaches. To be more specific, the headaches would attack me at least once a month. I was so grieved that, at times, I wished I were dead.

In July 1998, my husband borrowed a copy of Zhuan Falun (1). He read the book first and found it very good so he asked me to practice the meditation exercises with him. At the beginning I did not pay much attention to the exercises. I thought to myself that since even famous doctors could not cure my illness the exercises would prove to have no effect. In September, I attended our city's "Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference." At the conference I saw Teacher's portrait and Falun emblem for the very first time and heard a lot of vivid cultivation stories. I realized later that my headache, which was recurring at that time, disappeared without my notice. My confidence in the practice blossomed. Because my child still needed care I did not take part in the group exercises. When my son got a little older my husband offered to stay at home and baby sit so that I could join the group practice. After I took part in the group exercises, I made rapid progress and could finally sit in a double lotus position, which I had never dared to try previously. Then, only seven or eight days later, the persecution started as if it eclipsed the sky and covered the earth.

Persisting in my belief in Dafa and Validating the Fa

For a long period of time after July 20, I only studied the Fa and practiced the meditation exercises at home. Through studying Teacher's new articles and sharing with other practitioners I realized that I had to step forward to validate the Fa. I then began to visit my colleagues, friends and relatives to clarify the truth to them in an effort to validate the Fa. At the beginning there wasn't much truth-clarification material. A practitioner gave me a handwritten copy of "Letter to Teachers." My husband and I decided to photocopy the letter and mail it to those teachers with predestined relationships. We did not dare to make too many copies at first. Gradually after we let go of our fears we would make one hundred copies at a time and the process was very smooth. The young lad at the shop knew the contents of the letter but never said anything.

In 2001, in a copy of a simulated exam in our city, there was content that slandered Dafa. After a discussion with my husband I decided to clarify the truth in the classroom. When the principal learned this he "criticized and educated" me. He said, "This kind of thing must not happen again, otherwise the school will not be selected as an 'outstanding school' at the end of the year assessment." I told him that I had learned the truth and to be responsible for their future I must share it with these students. At the same time I began to clarify the truth to the principal. The result was that I was selected as an "outstanding teacher" during the year-end assessment and received an extra month of salary as a bonus. The education department ordered all the schools to organize both the staff and students to hold a signature campaign denouncing Falun Dafa. The principal that had learned the truth of Falun Dafa declined the request with the excuse that the students were busy with their studies. As a result the signature campaign was never organized in our school.

Persisting in my belief in clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings by following Teacher

When my husband was suffering from the persecution I did not go out to clarify the truth for a period of time. Then I thought I must break through the evil arrangement, so I went out to clarify the truth, taking my son with me. At the very beginning we went on foot. However, he could not walk that far. After I told him we were saving sentient beings so we should not be afraid of hardships, he did better. Later on we changed to a bicycle and then a motorbike. I would usually stay with the motorbike and my son would go to give out the truth-clarification materials and then rush back to the motorbike. The result was very good. When putting up posters we cooperated very well. My son would peel off the protective paper and give it to me. I would then paste it in the proper spot. That was a lot faster than when I did it by myself. Every time we were able to finish our task without a hitch. I knew Teacher was taking good care of us and giving us wisdom.

Some kind-hearted colleagues advised me, "Don't talk about Falun Gong in your class any more. If you are arrested it will be very hard for these students of yours." I felt grateful for their advice, however, I knew in my heart that my job was given by Teacher and Dafa and is meant for me to clarify the truth and save those who have predestined relationships in this position. Among my students there were people waiting to learn Falun Dafa, so I must try my best to clarify the truth and to save them.

In October 2002, I was put in a brainwashing class run by a police station. That evening I received a letter from my students. It said, "Teacher, when the principal informed us that we will have to change to a new teacher, several girls in the class wept. We don't want to change teachers. We all feel that we are unable to leave you. We think we are inseparable, because we love you! Seeing the girls weeping, the normally unyielding boys also could not help but twitch their noses." Having read their letter I also wept. I understood even more clearly the important task bestowed on me. The reason that the students met me was because they had come for Dafa. When I still had not had time to tell them the beauty of Dafa, how could they have the heart to leave me! They begged the school authorities not to change teachers and said they would rather study all by themselves in the classroom. On seeing their awakening side, I decided to give up my intention to quit the teaching job and stay with my students. When giving lectures I used a cassette recorder to play the "Pudu" music for them. Some of them said, "We never knew there was such nice music in the world!" When I found the time was ripe I began to clarify the truth to them. I planned to talk for one period, however, when the bell rang no one wanted to leave, instead they all sat there silently. I then decided to continue, so I talked for the whole second period as well. I asked them to become good students as well as good people in society. When the two periods were over they warmly applauded to express their thanks. I taught two classes in the year 2003 and usually I would combine the two classes together when giving lessons. When I finished clarifying the truth in class and the students warmly applauded, I was very happy. I pressed my palms together to acknowledge them and wrote "Falun Dafa is great" on the blackboard. In 2004, I had another opportunity to teach two classes, one of which had the highest number of students. When the head of the Teaching and Research Group found out that I was extremely busy he suggested that he give me two smaller classes. I declined his offer because I wanted more students. Eighty-five students in this class were those who wanted to study politics. They were the ones who had been poisoned most by the lies. I knew that I was meant to bring the truth to them.

On my path of cultivation I can feel the compassionate care of Teacher and the hints he has given me. I will continue to follow Teacher closely, clarify the truth and save sentient beings.

This is just some cultivation experiences and enlightenment in recent years. If there is anything improper please kindly point it out.


(1) Zhuan Falun is the main book of Falun Dafa