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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 8, 2004

December 17, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Associate Professor and Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Yang Junliang died in 2003 as a Result of the Persecution

Mr. Yang Junliang, 53, was an associate professor at Hunan Normal University. After obtaining the Fa in 1997, Dafa helped him get rid of his chronic illnesses and become very energetic. He was able to go up to the fourth floor to give lectures, and he often delivered Master Li's writings and Dafa materials on a motorcycle. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, persecutors from the local 610 Office often harassed him at home, which caused him tremendous psychological stress. As a result, he had a relapse of his old illness, and he passed away on January 25, 2003.

Perpetrators at the Xinjiang Autonomous Region's Women's Prison attempt to drive practitioners to mental collapse

Perpetrators at the Xinjiang Autonomous Region's Women's Prison detain some Falun Gong practitioners in solitary confinement cells, which are dark rooms, completely isolated from the outside, in an attempt to drive them insane. Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuyuan refused to give up her belief in Dafa and was dragged to an auditorium where she was verbally attacked in front of the whole prison population. The persecutors announced that Zhao Shuyuan would be put into a solitary confinement cell for a month. Each day she received only one steamed bun and was forced to stand from early morning until late at night. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was force-fed three times a day. Due to the torture, Zhao Shuyuan is extremely weak and emaciated.

In April 2004, practitioner Wang Xi was illegally sent to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Women's Prison. Prison authorities locked her in a dark cell in an attempt to induce a mental collapse.

More Information on the Abduction of Practitioner Li Li in Yantang, Guangzhou City

In early September 2004, persecutors from the Yantang Residential Committee in the Tianhe District of Guangzhou City posted many propaganda pictures slandering Falun Gong and its founder on the bulletin board at the Yantang Agriculture Corporation. Practitioner Li Li went to take down the deceptive and malicious pictures, and was subsequently sent to a detention center. Her son and daughter went to the police and asked for her. They were told she would be released after 15 days, and the police extorted 20,000 yuan from them. Fifteen days later, when her family went to pick her up, they were told that Li Li had been transferred to a brainwashing class held at the "Chatou Legal Education School."