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Stories from China: A 70-Year-Old Couple Became Skilled Computer Operators

December 15, 2004 |  


A 70-year-old couple become skilled computer operators

An old couple, Falun Dafa practitioners from Henan Province, broke through ordinary people's notions of age and education by becoming skilled computer operators. In order to clarify the truth about Falun Gong more comprehensively, they surmounted many difficulties in order to learn how to operate computers, set up material sites, and help other practitioners set up sites in their areas. Although they didn't receive higher education, they overcame their lack of experience and developed from knowing nothing about computers to skilled operators. In addition they helped the practitioners in their local area as well as other places to establish many material sites.

With righteous thoughts and righteous actions, a practitioner walks out of a detention center in four days

Recently a Falun Dafa practitioner from Kunming City, Yunnan Province, was abducted and sent to the local detention center. In the detention center, the practitioner enlightened to the fact that he should deny the persecution completely. Instead of reciting the prison regulations as he was ordered, he recited Zhuan Falun. He told the police and the people he met that Falun Dafa was good and further clarified the truth to them. In addition, many of his relatives were also practitioners, and they sent forth righteous thoughts to counter this situation and clarified the truth to the departments responsible for his arrest and illegal detention. Everyone worked together as one body and, as a result, this practitioner walked out of the detention center after four days.

Good words and deeds moved the ordinary people

At the end of October 2001, I was offered a job in a tofu plant. I spent two months there, working and clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to my co-workers. Some accepted the truth and some did not. After two months I resigned from my job. Unfortunately the day after I was to leave my job, the plant was scheduled for a heavy workload, as the next day was New Year's Day. A co-worker who had not accepted the truth said, "Because you resigned we have to work harder. We will suffer more because you will not be here." Without saying anything, I turned up at work the next day. They were surprised and asked, "You have resigned. How come you came to work?" I said, "I saw that you would have to work extra hard, so I came to help." They were moved and said, again and again, "Falun Dafa is good!" Later on when I clarified the truth again, everyone was receptive.

Falun Dafa music plays at the 50th anniversary of my school

For the 50-year anniversary of the founding of my school, provincial and municipal leaders, as well as many alumni, came to the school for the celebration. I thought this was a good chance to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. When the school leaders arranged for me to be responsible for the audio at the meeting site, I collected some Falun Dafa music and traditional songs that ordinary people loved to hear. Most of the time Dafa music was played and occasionally other songs were also played. From the beginning to the end of the anniversary activities, Falun Dafa music resounded throughout the campus. After the event, the school leaders were delighted and said to me, "Today's music was so nice." Through this experience I realized that Dafa and Teacher's great compassion were saving ordinary people.