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All Dafa Practitioners Should Take the Initiative to Eliminate Evil

December 14, 2004 |   By Yiyan

(Clearwisdom.net) The Fa-rectification has progressed to its last stage. Teacher has mentioned in various lectures that much of the evil has been eliminated. When the Fa rectifies the human world, people who do not understand the truth of Falun Gong and practitioners who have failed to do well will lose the opportunity to enter the new universe forever. Everyone will receive what he or she has chosen.

Nevertheless, we continue to hear news that the authorities are still actively persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in many places in China. The evil forces will not stop doing wicked things even at the last minute, because that is their nature. Such a situation often occurs, however, because practitioners in those places do not have strong righteous thoughts. Why can't those persecutors run rampant in places where practitioners have done a great job clarifying the truth? In those places, practitioners treat each other with frankness and sincerity. Once a problem occurs, for instance, a practitioner is arrested or a truth-clarification material site is destroyed, practitioners work together to expose the guilty parties instead of pointing fingers at each other. They use the persecution as an opportunity to save more people. At the same time, fellow practitioners try their best to take over the work of the arrested practitioners. Therefore, each time practitioners are persecuted, it is a good opportunity to further expose the persecution and offer salvation to more sentient beings.

Whenever there is a problem, we should look within to find reasons. But our looking for reasons does not mean finding fault with others. Instead, we are trying to draw lessons from mistakes we make and improve our xinxing so that we do not make the same mistakes in the future. This way, we can better fulfill our mission of eliminating the evil and saving sentient beings. My own understanding is that it is not that bad to encounter problems. The key is how we look at the problems. If we can immediately resort to Fa-study and sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate our warped notions, then it is a manifestation of righteous thoughts.

Sometimes practitioners argue with each other when problems occur. In my opinion, practitioners should first look within and send forth righteous thoughts. We should take the initiative to eliminate the warped notions in our own dimensional field, as well as the evil in the external environment.

The persecution of certain practitioners does not just concern those directly affected. It in fact reflects the cultivation state of the practitioners in that area as a whole, although some practitioners haven't realized that they are also responsible for helping to create a good cultivation environment in their local area. We cannot limit ourselves to only personal cultivation. We should think about how we can work together and do a better job saving sentient beings.

We should clarify the truth with reason and wisdom. At the same time, we should send forth righteous thoughts every day to eliminate the evil, including bad elements that prevent us from keeping up with the progress of Fa-rectification and elements that keep persecuting local practitioners.

Only by sending forth righteous thoughts can we become more clearheaded and clarify the truth more efficiently. Everything we do is based on how well we study the Fa. If we persist in studying the Fa well, we are then constantly eliminating the bad elements in our minds. This way we can send even more powerful and stronger righteous thoughts.