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Summary of Other Articles and News - November 9, 2004

November 23, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured in Pingshan County Detention Center in Hebei Province

Ever since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, several hundred practitioners have been detained in the Pingshan County Detention Center. These practitioners have all been harassed, beaten, force-fed, handcuffed, ankle shackled, and locked in small cages (1). In July 1999, Ms. Wang Guolian and some of her fellow practitioners went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. They were arrested and held at the county police station, where they were forced to stand continuously and prohibited from sleeping for forty-eight hours. Ms. Wang Guolian went on a hunger strike to protest, and was force-fed and locked in small cage for twenty hours. In November 2000, Ms. Wang Guolian was arrested again, and was beaten by police with electric batons, rubber batons, and wooden sticks. Police tortured her by handcuffing her behind her legs for more than four months. In July 2001, Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike again, and was tortured with sleep deprivation and locked in a small cell (2). In August 2001, all detained practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest. Police tortured them with brutal forced-feedings. Ms. Wang Guolian was forced to eat insects from the soybean field, which caused her body to become swollen and red. In the winter of 2001, Ms. Liu Tianqing and Ms. Wang Guolian shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good" while on public trial. Policemen choked Ms. Wang Guolian with an electrical wire, and she almost suffocated to death.

2. Falun Dafa Practiitoner Lou Qiufeng from Wangqing County, Jilin Province Arrested Again

Ms. Lou Qiufeng is a thirty-three-year-old practitioner from Wangqing Ceunty, Jilin Province. She was arrested at the beginning of November 2004, and is presumed to be detained in the Wangqing County Detention Center. Directed by the "610 Office," and the Political and Judiciary Committee, the Wangqing County State Security Police and police from each level of the station often harass practitioners in their homes, ransack their houses, etc. They have arrested more than ten practitioners. One of the practitioners, Mr. Jin Guang, has been detained for about eighteen months. Many practitioners have been forced become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being arrested at home.

3. Associate Professor Mu Yuanru Sent to a Labor Camp

Ms. Mu Yuanru was a Social Science Department Chair at the Beijing City Higher Judiciary. She disciplined herself according to the standards of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. She never complained in her work and never competed with others for personal gain. When her work unit was assigning apartments, she could have received a three-bedroom unit, but she only asked for an old apartment. Her law lectures have always been very well received by her students. When other lecturers in her Department had difficulties in their work or life, she has always been helpful, and willing to be the listening ear. Under her influence, nine new practitioners appeared in her work place, and they were all the best employees, receiving merit awards every year. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, the ten practitioners were all forced to go through brainwashing sessions. Ms. Mu Yuanru told anyone who tried to brainwash her, "No one or any force can make me declare that I will give up my cultivation. I am determined keep practicing Falun Dafa, and become an unselfish person with great virtue." She was dismissed from the Party, and dismissed from her job. During October 2002, the period that the Sixteenth Congress was meeting, she was arrested by police at her home, and detained for more than three months. On January 30, 2003, she remained in custody in the Fifth Cell of the Fourth Ward at the Fengtai District Detention Center in Beijing City. She was later sentenced to two years in the Beijing Women's Labor Camp, and held in the Third Cell of the Fifth Ward, beginning on June 12, 2003.


  1. Small Cages: Practitioners are tied by the neck and cuffed to the top of the cage. The cages are less than one meter high, and it is impossible to sit or stand straight in it. This is very uncomfortable and becomes extremely painful.
  2. Small Cell: The detainee is locked in a very small cell individually. The guards handcuff practitioners behind their back in a fixed position, in which the practitioners can neither move nor lie down. The small cell is very damp and dark. Detainees must urinate and defecate in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is served to detainees locked up in small cells during the daytime. During the night, the rats are plentiful and roam freely around and in the cells. The stench in a small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe.