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Sixteen Yuan

November 11, 2004 |   Written by a Dafa practitioner from Huludao City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) One day, a fellow practitioner from the countryside brought sixteen yuan to me and said it was to be used to make Dafa materials. "Just sixteen yuan?" I said. She replied, "This sixteen yuan was saved up cent by cent by a fellow practitioner whose family is very poor. After she saved up enough small change to make one yuan, she exchanged them for a one-yuan coin in a grocery store. Only after she saved up for several months could she accumulate these sixteen yuan. Today she heard I was coming here and asked me to bring this money to the material site. This is for you, with her regards."

When I received the 16 coins in a plastic bag, I gripped them close to my chest and cried so hard I could not speak. These 16 coins are a gift from the pure heart of a Dafa practitioner to Dafa!

I began to look at myself. How well had I done in this respect? If I had eaten one less piece of fruit a day, I might have saved one hundred and sixty yuan or even more. What a pure heart that practitioner had!! Was my heart devoted to the Fa-rectification completely? Had I fully dissolved into the Fa? No! Think about it, such a pure heart saved up these sixteen yuan. If they were then used to make truth-clarification materials, such materials surely would have the strongest power and the best effect in saving the sentient beings!

Those 16 yuan taught me a vivid lesson that made me deeply feel my shortcomings. By comparison, my attachment to ease and comfort was so obvious! I repeatedly read Master's new article, "Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People." I read:

"For a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, personal liberation is not the goal of cultivation: when you came, saving sentient beings was your great aspiration, and that is the responsibility and mission history has bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification. Thus great numbers of beings are to be saved by you. Dafa disciples, don't forsake the magnificent responsibility that has been bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification, and even less should you disappoint those beings, as you are now their only hope for entering the future. For this reason, all Dafa disciples, students both new and veteran, should get to work and begin comprehensively clarifying the truth."

After that, I examined myself carefully, and realized that, although I did the three things, I did not reach the standard for everything. I had not taken the initiative to reach the highest standard. I had stubbornly been obstructed by the attachment to ease.

From now on, I will act on this firm decision: I must change myself from my innermost heart and become a genuine Dafa practitioner of the Fa-rectification period. Regardless of whether I am shopping, taking a bus or visiting my relatives, I will clarify the truth at every opportunity, distribute materials, and not miss a single chance any place I go. One time I went to a store to buy some fruit. When I paid the money, I gave the owner a small card that promoted the Fa and clarified the truth to him. After I left, I had not gone far when that person chased me and asked me if I had a book he could read. I asked him if it was Zhuan Falun that he was after, and he said yes. I told him that Zhuan Falun is not an ordinary book. It is a book from heaven and it is priceless. On the third day, I gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun and several copies of truth-clarification materials. I also told him to cherish and protect the book and how to study it effectively. He was very happy and asked me to frequently go to his shop.

I knew it was all arranged by Master. He just wants us to have the heart to save all beings. As long as we let go of human attachments and step forward, there are so many beings to be saved.

October 31, 2004