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Summary of Other Articles and News -- September 28, 2004

October 06, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1) Police in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, brutally torture Falun Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners were beaten until they passed out due to severe bruising and flesh wounds. Mr. Cai Yonghua was restrained with heavy ankle shackles and forcibly injected with unknown drugs. Ms. Wu Jingfang was beaten for 24 hours in the Dongxing Police Substation and almost died. She finally succumbed to the pressure to renounce her belief 10 days after she was transferred to the No.2 Detention Center. Ms. Huang Weijun was also tortured to death while held at the Jieyang City No.1 Detention Center.

2) Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Dong Jiahe is 44 years old and lives in the Xiaying Group, Tanxihe Village, Neidong Township, Huili County, Liangshan State, Sichuan Province. He tells us that in August 2001, "I was followed by the police when passing out truth clarifying materials, and fled to Panzhihua City, where I became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. On October 3, 2002, I was finally arrested by police and tortured until I passed out. They sentenced me 18 months in the Xinhua Labor Camp in Mianyang City."

3) The guards at the Shaanxi Provincial Women's Labor Camp severely persecute Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to renounce their practice. It is reported that they deprive them of their right to sleep, force them to stand or remain in a squatting position, motionless, for long periods of time. They also cuff them to metal door frames, stair rails or metal window frames. They deprive practitioners the use of toilets, causing filthy unsanitary conditions and practitioners cannot even remove their pants. At other times, the police would make practitioners use their rice bowls as a toilet. Police instructed drug addict prisoners to beat practitioners and to lace their food with unknown drugs to intentionally destroy their health. Practitioner Ms. Zhou Yating, who is in her fifties, suffered terribly when prisoners inserted a 3-inch needle into her eye and leg, and also beat her head with a wooden bench. She had an open bleeding wound on her head and suffered many other injuries to her body.