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Latest News from China - October 1, 2004

October 14, 2004 |  



1. Yitong County, Jilin Province] The National Security Team of Yitong Public Security Bureau Refuses to Accept Li Zhiyong for Medical Treatment

Changchun Falun Dafa practitioner Li Zhiyong was illegally sentenced to four years in prison and subjected to brutal torture. In May 2004, he developed kidney disease from being tortured in detention. Officials from the Criminal Law Section of Jilin Prison went twice to the National Security Team of Yitong Public Security Bureau to complete the bail procedure for Li Zhiyong to undergo medical treatment, and twice they were refused.

On September 27, Li Zhiyong's life hung by a thread. All documents were completed. The head of the National Security Team of Yitong Public Security Bureau absolutely refused to sign the documents to accept Li Zhiyong, despite his critical condition, because Li Zhiyong's household was not registered in the area.

2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Lin Yongmei Is Illegally Detained in Brainwashing Center

Ms. Lin Yongmei in Harbin City has been detained in the brainwashing center for over a month. The leaders of her work unit were involved in the plot to abduct her. Lin Yongmei's husband was unlawfully sentenced to over ten years in prison for making truth-clarifying materials. Their six-year-old son is being taken care of by his grandmother. He is currently sick with frequent convulsions. It is hard for the grandmother to look after him.

3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Zhou Yumin Is Detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp after Completion of Initial Term

Ms. Zhou Yumin became destitute and homeless due to collaborators. She was later abducted and sentenced to two and a half years in a forced labor camp, from January 9, 2002, to July 9, 2004. During her detention, she was confined separately since she refused to give in. Two collaborators monitored her every day. They read slanderous articles to her and attempted to transform her by force. She was detained over additional 100 days after completing the initial term imposed upon her.

Relevant Phone Number and Persons Responsible:

Team Three: 86-24-89212253

Li X: head of Team Three

Zhao Jinghua: head of Group One of Team Three

4. [Beijing City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Xie Jishun Is Illegally Detained

Xie Jishun, a practitioner in the Xicheng District of Beijing, was abducted at home on September 25, 2004. Her computers and other equipment were confiscated without a warrent.

We are told that Xie Jishun is being detained in the Xicheng District Detention Center. Before July 20, 1999, Xie Jishun had been a voluntary assistant of the Falun Dafa Assistance Center in the Xicheng District.

5. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Police in Jinniu District Arrested Two Practitioners

On the evening of September 26, 2004, Caojiaxiang Police Substation in the Jinniu District of Chengdu City (86-28-83345576) arrested practitioners Li Wenfeng and Sister Yuan, who were explaining the truth of Falun Gong. On September 27 they were abducted to Pi County where they were detained for 15 days. Their current situation is still unknown.

6. [Shengli Petroleum Field, Shangdong Province] Practitioners Are Taken to Brainwashing Class

On the evening of September 27, 2004, Zhang Baoling, an employee from the Central Hospital of Shengli Petroleum Field, and Chen Qiuyun, an employee from the Dynamic Mechanism Plant of Shengli Petroleum Field, were arrested for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. Presently, they are being kept in a brainwashing center and subjected to torture.

7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Wang Li Is Detained in Brainwashing Unit

Ms. Wang Li was unlawfully sentenced to one year of forced labor in mid-September last year. After completion of the imposed term, she was directly transferred to the brainwashing center for intensified persecution.

8. [Nanning City, Guangxi Province] Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested

On September 7, five practitioners in Nanning City, including Cai Juncai and Zhou Liping, and five practitioners from the Nanning Railway System were arrested at the same time. On September 17 and 18, the homes of practitioners Li Yanqun, Wei Caijuan and Zhong (an elderly practitioner) were wrongfully searched.

9. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Pang Yong and His Wife Abducted

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival (September 28), the authorities in Nanjing City abducted Pang Yong and his wife. Four big plainclothes police officers were involved in the abduction. These two practitioners haven't been released yet. Their child, a student, is at home alone.

10. [Beijing City] Practitioner Zhao Weihua Is Illegally Detained

At 11:00 a.m. on September 26, Zhao Weihua, who lives in Beili of Muxidi, Xicheng District, was arrested on the street for distributing truth-clarifying materials. In the afternoon, Liu Chen, a policeman from Yuetan Police Substation, and some other policemen went to Zhao Weihua's home to conduct a thorough search. At midnight, Zhao Weihua's family members got a phone call from Liu Chen informing them that Zhao was being detained in Shahe.

11. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Detained

On the evening of September 23, Falun Dafa practitioners Li Haiyi, Wang Yanmei and Zhang Haihong were reported while distributing truth-clarifying materials in Luyuan District. They were abducted later on. The three practitioners have since been sent to Daguang Detention Center. We are told that Li Haiyi was beaten up while in custody.

12. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Practitioner Fan Jinping Is Arrested Again

Fan Jinping is from Nanyang City. His work unit deceived him into going to the Meixi Office in the city on September 20. Guo Wanru, head of the Wolong District Politics & Security Team; Li Youxue; and six others had been waiting for him for a long time. They abducted Fan Jinping and abducted him to the brainwashing center. On the afternoon of September 30, Guo Wanru headed up a group of six policemen to arrest Fan Jinping again. He is in custody in Nanyang City's No.1 Detention House.

13. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Practitioner Wei Ronghe Is Sent to Brainwashing Center

Wei Ronghe from Nanyang Grain College was trapped in his work unit on September 25 and arrested by policemen from the Wancheng District Politics & Security Team who had been waiting for him. Wei Ronghe remains on a hunger strike in protest against the illegal detention.

14. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] The "610 Office" Abducted Sun Xiaohui

Sun Xiaohui, a practitioner from Mingjia Guangzhuang Village of Menchun Town, Pingdu City, was forcibly arrested. Staff from the local "610 Office" illegally broke into his home.

15. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Gong Baoying Is Arrested and Detained at Tiananmen Square

At 11:00 a.m. on September 23, security agents at the entrance tower of Tiananmen Square Gate body searched Gong Baoying, who is from the Daqing Petroleum & Chemistry General Plant. When handwritten copies of several poems from Hongyin (1) were discovered, she was abducted and detained.

Zhou Chunxing, director of the Politics & Security Section of Daqing Petroleum & Chemistry General Plant: 86-459-6762189 (Office), 86-459-6258869 (Home).

16. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Zhang Xiaoping's Life Is in Danger Due to Torture

On September 6, 2004, a truth-clarifying material site was sabotaged in Suihua City. Practitioner Zhang Xiaoping was arrested by the Dongfeng Police Substation and detained in Suihua City's No.2 Detention Center where he is being tortured. Currently, his life is in great danger from the torture.

17. [Baotou City, Inner Mongolia] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ren Tiecheng and His Family Are Arrested

There are five practitioners in Ren Jinsheng's family including Ren Tiecheng, Tong Shuoling (his wife), Ren Jinsheng (his son), and two daughters. The five practitioners were all arrested. Tong Shuoling and her two daughters are being detained in the Kun District Detention Center in Baotou City. Ren Tiecheng and Ren Jinsheng are being detained in the Jiuyuan District Detention Center in Baotou City.

(1) Hongyin-A collection of poems by Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong.