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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 28, 2003

January 08, 2004 |  


People's Righteous Thoughts Can Bring Miraculous Results

The sole of the foot of an eighty-year old diabetic countrywoman, who lived in the northern part of China, became dangerously infected and had become afflicted with gangrene, despite extensive medical treatments. A Dafa practitioner told her the facts about Falun Dafa and suggested that she hold constantly in her mind the thought, "To follow Zhen, Zhan, Ren (Truth, Compassion, Forbearance) is to be virtuous. Falun Dafa is good." She told her that such thoughts would bring her a good future. This elderly countrywoman believed her words and sincerely repeated these two sentences daily. Within a short time her gangrenous foot quickly healed. The elderly countrywoman was overjoyed and expressed her desire to practice Falun Gong as soon as she was fully recovered.

In August 2003, my seven-year-old son was hit by a motorcycle. The front wheel ran over down his legs and the back wheel ran over his lower back. I ran through the crowd towards the motorcycle and my son. The minute my son saw me he rushed crying towards me. I told the motorcycle driver: "Both my son and I practice Falun Gong. He is all right. Please remember Falun Dafa is good, Zhen, Shan, Ren is good." My parents-in-law and husband also arrived at the scene of the accident. They prevented the motorcyclist from leaving. I saw this was an excellent chance to clarify the truth about Dafa. We decided to take my son to the hospital for a check up. The medical tests showed that the child was not hurt. My family members were finally convinced and agreed that Dafa was really amazing. The motorcyclist also said, "I realize now that Falun Gong practitioners are in fact good people and Falun Gong is really able to perform miracles."

Facts of the Persecution

Ms. Yan Hongju, a Falun Gong practitioner from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, was detained on October 4, 2000, while validating Dafa on Tiananmen Square. She was taken to the Yanjiao Police Station. Policeman Yang Xuezhong beat her brutally and mercilessly. He pulled her hair and wrenched her around. He struck her lower back and buttocks with a wooden stick, shocked her face and hands with an electric baton, and slapped her mouth fiercely with a shoe, causing her face to become swollen and unrecognizeable. Policeman Yan Xuezhong behaved immorally and extremely shamelessly as he sexually harassed Yan by lewdly grabbing her inner thighs. Yan was then illegally detained for seven days in the of Yanjiao County government building.

Policemen of the Shahe section of the Dalian Public Security Bureau arrested Ms. Li Xiumei in the year 2002 for distributing Dafa truth-clarifying material. She was held in the Dalian Detention Center and immediately went on a hunger strike to protest her mistreatment. Therefore the guards left her handcuffed to the bed. After a week of being shackled to the bed, the policemen took Li Xiumei to the residential area where she had been discovered distributing Dafa truth material. They took her picture, to be used with some fabricated story. At that time Li Xiumei was only half-conscious. The police then brought her back to the detention center and again handcuffed her to the bed. They force-fed her the next day, which was an awful ordeal for her. After that they tied her again to the bed and claimed to give her intravenous injections. Li Xiumei does not currently appear to be well enough to be returned to the prison cell.

Guangzhou City Dafa practitioner Mr. Huang Desheng suffered from an incurable blood disease before practicing Falun Gong. He hemorrhaged continuously. He had to remain in a hospital and was kept alive with medication, blood transfusions, and intravenous injections. His family tried all measures to save him but could not cure him. It was learning to practice Falun Dafa that gave Huang Desheng another chance to live. Since July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin and his cohorts began their brutal persecution of Dafa and Dafa practitioners. Huang Desheng went to Beijing to appeal and clarify the truth about Dafa. He was illegally sentenced to a term of three and a half years in prison. He is still being detained in the Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province.