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Bearing Witness to History: Dafa Practitioners' Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions in a Forced Labor Camp

January 19, 2004 |  

December 30, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) The scenes of Dafa practitioners being persecuted in the days of "The wind and clouds suddenly change, and the heavens seem to crumble/ The mountains shake, the seas churn, and the ferocious waves billow."(The Knowing Heart, 2000) flashed in front of my eyes. I find it difficult to completely describe those scenes and my feeling at that time. I only hope the following sections might be reflected in the art exhibition of Dafa practitioners.

  1. In December 1999, the chilly winter wind blew very hard and the dripping water turned to ice. One morning, inside the Women's Forced Labor Camp in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, over 20 female Dafa practitioners wore thin layers of clothing and their feet were bare (their coats, shoes and socks were all forcefully stripped off). The police forced them out to the icy yard, pulled out water hoses and sprayed them with freezing water.
  2. One early morning, a woman more than 60 years old was doing Falun Gong exercises in her cell. A prostitute in her twenties, who was called the "head of the building", came into the cell. She slapped the old woman's face several times, but the old woman did not move. The prostitute took a shoe off the ground and struck the old woman with it. The old woman still did not move. The prostitute became so angry she lifted a bucket of cold water and poured the water onto the old woman's head. It was such a chilly day, and now, suddenly the old lady was completely soaked as if she had been just dragged out from a pool. With bruises on her face and body, the old woman still remained unmoved like a rock.
  3. At midnight, Dafa practitioners came back from work. They passed the yard. Without any previous arrangements, they formed a square and recited Lunyu from Zhuan Falun. Suddenly, the vicious policemen and prostitutes madly approached them. Several of these vicious people surrounded several practitioners and pushed the practitioners down, beating and kicking them. The vicious policemen not only kicked the practitioners with their boots, but also stepped on practitioners' heads. While beating the practitioners, the police stripped off the practitioner's coats, tied them down and threw them on the cement in the freezing winter wind. The practitioners were left with only their lightest layer of clothing on.
  4. Several days later at noon, in front of the forced labor camp chief's office, more than 40 Dafa practitioners formed two lines and waited for the chief to come out. They wanted to talk to him about the situation. All of the policemen were scared and did not know what to do. After quite a while, a policeman shouted loudly, "Punish them by making them run around the yard." But the practitioners remained still and nobody moved. Another policeman then came close to the lines and slapped one practitioner on her face. The police fetched handcuffs and tried to cuff a practitioner who was talking to the chief about their situation. At that moment, over 10 practitioners stepped out of the line and formed a wall to protect the practitioner with their bodies. Even the chief was moved and said, "Falun Gong practitioners are really acting as one body!" Afterward, some practitioners said, "I felt I was participating in the appeal in Beijing on April 25, 1999." Indeed, this was just like a smaller scale of the 4/25/1999 appeal.