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Six Beijing Practitioners Terrify Their Interrogators in Court by Revealing the Truth About the Persecution

September 03, 2003 |  


On June 13, the Beijing Second Court (located in Shijingshan District) secretly held an illegal trial of six Dafa practitioners, Mr. Huang Jian, Mr. Ma Jin, Mr. Li Kai, Mr. Wei Shijun, and two others, all of whom had been illegally imprisoned and tortured for more than one year.

These practitioners maintained very strong righteous thoughts and refuted all the lies fabricated by the court. Huang Jian and some of the other practitioners spoke sternly and forcefully for the cause of justice to the judge: "All the schemes you use to persecute us are evil, too shameful to show in public and too full of loopholes. All the trials you stage are illegal and unacceptable. Falun Dafa is a great upright Fa. One cannot be called guilty for practicing Dafa."

The Dafa practitioners continued to clarify the facts in detail, and then recited together: "Falun Dafa is good!" Their combined voice was so righteous and powerful that the whole court was stunned and all the law-breaking court personnel were terrified. The public prosecutors were stuttering and speechless. The presiding judge shifted his own anger to the public prosecutors, blaming them for their weakness and cowardice. He then dismissed the court quickly.

However, on August 8, ignoring due legal process, the court passed its verdict on these practitioners. Huang Jian was sentenced to a twelve-year prison term. Ma Jin, Li Kai and Wei Shijun and the others were sentenced to eleven-year prison terms.