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Sunday Herald, UK: 'Shut up so we can finish our search!' China prepares its police for the English-speaking Olympic invasion

September 22, 2003 |  

September 21, 2003

From Hector Mackenzie in Beijing


With thousands of non- Chinese-speaking visitors swarming into the city in 2008, some of the issues raised by the manual seem more realistic than others. The average sports-mad visitor will never have heard of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, far less be inclined to further its cause on Chinese soil. All the same, police will be taught to issue the strictest of warnings.

A section on how to stop illegal news coverage, instructs police officers to tell journalists that "Falun Gong is beyond your coverage and illegal".

Anyone who suggests that their human rights are being abused might be told: "Don't move! No tricks!" Police are even given examples of dialogue, which might accompany a bomb tip-off. Using a fictitious Indian chef, it outlines the following exchange:

Police: "Someone reported you had a bomb here. We're here to search your room."

Chef: "Nonsense. I'm working as a cook. Why would I keep a bomb? Go ahead and search - I'm an honest man. I can only make Indian pancakes."

Police: "Shut up so we can finish our search!"


URL: http://www.sundayherald.com/36872