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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/12/2003

September 18, 2003 |  

Clearwisdom.net September 12, 2003

News From Abroad

On September 10, Free Asia broadcast station interviewed Dafa practitioner Mr. Chipkar, from Canada who filed a lawsuit against Pan Xinchun, the deputy consul general in Toronto, for slander and instigating hatred. Chipkar said, "I filed the lawsuit to stop the Chinese government officials from spreading lies and hatred against Falun Gong in Canada."

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Dafa practitioners clarifying the truth to Chinese tourists in the Mariana Islands [a group of islands at the southern most tip of Guam, a US territory] : The Mariana Islands opened to mainland Chinese tourists in the beginning of 2003. Every week, two flights carry precious Chinese people directly to the Marianas. We chose a major tourist attraction site and welcomed the Chinese tourists with a golden banner that reads, "Falun Dafa is good," as well as news of the overseas lawsuits against Jiang, our picture exhibition boards, free literature handouts, and Dafa songs. After getting off the vehicles, the Chinese people turned around and looked at our banners and watched us doing the exercises. Many of them were extremely shocked and they listened silently. Oftentimes, some tourists took pictures of us doing the exercises, of our banners, and our exhibition boards. A few of them took the flyers. Because the evil Jiang group asserted pressure on the tourist groups, most of them kept away from us and didn't dare to talk to us or look at the flyers. We made three large banners. We approached them and told them the truth. Some tourists said to us in a low voice, "We heard you. We know!"