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A Letter to the Newspaper "Keskisuomalainen" from the Falun Dafa Association of Finland

September 18, 2003 |  

13th of September 2003

A Violator of Human Rights visits Finland

High-ranking Chinese official Luo Gan visited Finland on the invitation of the Minster for Justice, Johannes Koskinen, and the Minister for the Interior, Kari Rajam ki. He also met the Prime Minister, Matti Vanhanen, and the Parliament spokesperson, Paavo Lipponen.

On his visits' official agenda, discussions were held about bilateral relations between Finland and China, about China's juridicial development and the Police and judiciary among other subjects. What else did they discuss?

Luo Gan is one of the two main men responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong. How can someone is being accused of human rights violations in several countries discuss juridicial developments?

It has been proven, that violations against the practitioners of Falun Gong are truly happening. [Chinese] officials have been sued in several countries for these crimes. For example, on August 20th Belgian lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier represented Falun Gong to sue the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, and his assistants Luo Gan and Li Lanqing. Georges-Henri Beauthier is a well-known lawyer, who became widely revered after his case against Augusto Pinochet. Maybe it would be beneficial if Finland also studied materials concerning these cases.

China has signed the Declaration for Human Rights and as yet is still able to almost freely destroy its citizens, even though many human rights associations have been informing the world about its crimes -- Finland however is remaining silent.

By approving the conduct of the governments of these kinds of countries, we are in fact giving support to them when they are committing violations against their own people. We cannot approve these kinds of atrocities, and let them exist in modern society. They should be brought to justice. With righteousness, can we lead by example.

The Falun Dafa Association of Finland

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200309/15181.html