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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/01/2003

September 17, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province cruelly persecuted steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners in an effort to force them to give up their cultivation. The labor camp forced Dafa practitioners to maintain a half squat position with their hands handcuffed behind the back and hung up for 20 consecutive days. The practitioners were not allowed to sleep or use toilets. If anyone dozed off he or she would be put in a gunnysack to be punched and kicked. A practitioner from Zhanjiang City suffered from multiple comminuted fractures after the beatings. Another practitioner from Zhanjiang City has never been seen since March this year after enduring severe torture. The evil perpetrators carried out a second round of torture against steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners by using 8 electric batons, all at the same time, to shock them all over their bodies. Those who still did not yield to the evil would suffer a third round of torture in which the evil would pour boiling water all over practitioners and then sprinkle salt on their wounds.

Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin recklessly tortured Falun Dafa practitioners for several days in a row. As long as the practitioners refused to write the so called "Repentance Statement" [In this statement the practitioner is forced to admit remorse for practicing Falun Gong, promise to give up Falun Gong, and never again associate with other practitioners or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.] they were beaten, hung, handcuffed, deprived of sleep, left in the open to be bitten by mosquitos and forced to do manual labor during the day. Several practitioners had died because of the torture and many more practitioners were injured. A vicious policeman by the surname of Hao beat Zhao Dewen to death. Policewoman Han Jinling lost all reasoning and behaved abnormally. Though she was young, she was one of the cruelest policewomen to beat Dafa practitioners. She used many torture tools including electric batons, handcuffs and ropes. She often tied practitioners to the pigsty and left them to be bitten by mosquitos. She beat practitioners as part of her daily routine.

"Shenyang Legal Education School" was in essence a brainwashing center. The school's "Shenyang Education Assistant Group" was comprised of "collaborators" [Former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture]. Each one of them was very cruel and very manipulative. They tortured Dafa practitioners who had been kidnapped and brought to the school, one group after another. The only reason for them to continue their inhumane behavior was to have their terms of detention at the school reduced. Their terms would be reduced by one to three months for every Dafa practitioner they had "transformed." The following is a name list of the so called Shenyang "Transformed People": Li Haofeng, Chenjie, Li Qingbao, Yu Hong, Hou Wanquan, Hou Wanquan, Wang Na, Zhu Lijuan, Zhang Xiuli and Zhou Cuihong. During the latter half of 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Zhenyi of Weihe Forest Bureau, Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province was forcefully detained and sentenced to forced labor by the political gang for going to Beijing to peacefully appeal and to clarify the truth. After one and a half years of illegal detention at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing, Yang Zhenyi was released. The labor camp notified his local police station to pick him up. However, Yang Zhenyi was sent straight to the detention center of the local forest bureau. His family has had no income since his detention, so life is extremely difficult as they try to support his youngest daughter to stay in school.

Practitioners Exchange Insights: Learning Technology

Some fellow practitioners felt overjoyed when they had learned the basic skills of using a computer, so they plunged into mastering computer skills and even became less interested in Fa [law and principles] study as if technology was the most important. We realized learning the most basic skills in editing and printing would be enough for the moment. We can learn other skills as they are relevant in a gradual process, and it's unnecessary to devote so much time and energy to achieve breakthroughs. If those basic skills are able to assist with truth clarification materials we should just continue to help in those capacities. In this way, we also have time to study the Fa and take care of other responsibilities. Otherwise, by ignoring the importance of studying Fa, you come across some trouble that you cannot cope with. It also could lead to equipment malfunctions that might delay our work as well as affect our life and Fa study.

Truth Clarification and People's Hearts

One woman from the countryside cherished Dafa flyers. In early December 2002, the bus she rode was in an accident. A dozen people were sent to hospitals to treat their head wounds. She was the last one left on the bus. She could not stand up and her legs were swollen. However, she did not blackmail the driver for compensation nor did she go to the hospital. Instead, she went back home and gritted her teeth to endure the pain. She took some Dafa materials out of the cabinet and started to read quietly. Two months later she was fully recovered. She told everyone she met about her experience and that Falun Dafa is wonderful. When she was playing a truth clarification VCD at her neighbor's house she was taken to the police substation. Her neighbor's television set had been confiscated. The head of the police station tried to extort 200 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.] from her neighbor, saying that if she did not pay she would not get her television set back. Her neighbor said, "I can go without the television set. But if you ask for money, I don't have any. If you want to detain me as a substitute for the money, I can go to the police station whenever you want. It's not a big deal, for I only watched a Falun Gong VCD. I think there's nothing wrong with watching the VCD. There ought to be someone to watch it since there are people who made it." The policeman there said to her in a low voice, "You can go now and I will speak to the head of the police substation." Not long after, the policeman sent the television set back to her home.

A township deputy head in Mainland China was extremely hostile toward Falun Dafa and never listened to Dafa practitioners who clarified the truth to him. The deputy head only wanted to "render outstanding services" by arresting Falun Dafa practitioners. One day he pursued and captured a Falun Dafa practitioner, but on his motorbike ride back to the gate of the township government building, he had a very bad fall. Dafa practitioners told him that if he persecuted Falun Dafa he would suffer. However, he refused to listen. Not long after, his father was killed in a car accident when he was taking a walk. The incident finally helped him to come to his senses. Now he is willing to accept Falun Dafa truth clarification materials.

News from Abroad: Car Tour to Rescue Yoko Kaneko in Japan

After travelling the Shikoku area, we went straight to Kyushu by ferry. Seven practitioners who had arrived in Miyazaki and Kagoshima earlier had already visited all the media. Most reporters expressed interest in the event. The number of people who had signed the petition was quite unexpected. Two high school students contacted the local TV station, appealing for help. Many others came to sign the petition. We learned that they had read about us in the newspaper.

When we finished in Kyushu we decided to go to Okinawa. Okinawa is the south most island of Japan and no Falun Dafa practitioners had ever visited the island. Upon our arrival we delivered materials door to door, called all the media and paid visits to the governments of Okinawa City, Okinawa and Naha City, where we handed in our petition. We also collected signatures in Naha City and Okinawa City.

News from China

Message to Chinese University Students: On the evening of May 13, 2003 a Master degree student from Chongqing University and Falun Dafa practitioner Wei Xingyan was raped by a policeman at Baihelin Detention Center, Shapingba District in front of the public. This appalling news caused concern overseas, however in China there was no media coverage whatsoever and Chongqing University even tried some cunning tactics to destroy all the evidence. According to statistics, in the educational circles alone, there are two hundred twenty two Falun Dafa practitioners that were illegally detained and tortured to death. Qinghua University graduate Yuan Jiang was tortured to death. At present, the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" has a list of people responsible for torturing Yuan Jiang to death. The investigation by the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" has provided hard evidence for suing Jiang Zemin and other officials of the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] who have persecuted Falun Gong all over the world. We ask the university students, as the future pillars of the country, have you realized the historical responsibility and the people's expectations you are shouldering? Let's build up a legal net of public morality and justice, bring the murder to justice and expose the crimes to the world.