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European Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal during Luo Gan's Visit to Finland (Photos)

September 16, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, September 16, 2003) On Wednesday, September 10, Luo Gan had his first meeting in Finland with the Minister of Justice. Falun Gong practitioners appealed in front of the Ministry of Justice building for an end to the persecution in China, which is being instigated by the vicious criminal Luo Gan. When Luo Gan arrived he saw banners reading "Falun Dafa is Great," "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong" and "Stop Killing." Practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, and told the police and passersby about the persecution of Falun Gong. Many people stopped to look at the exercise demonstration. The police officers were also very sympathetic towards Falun Gong when they heard about Luo Gan and his crimes against practitioners in China.

The Minister of Justice said he was going to raise the issue of human rights with Luo Gan, who is one of the main people responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong. He said in a newspaper the day before that human rights are an inseparable part of the meeting. Many practitioners worldwide send letters to Finnish government officials, who were going to meet the Chinese human rights violator. The Prime Minister's secretary asked for more information from practitioners and said that the Prime Minister will have a meeting where they will examine the materials and discuss with Luo Gan about Falun Gong and his role in the persecution.

After the meeting with the Ministry of Justice, Luo Gan went to Parliament House where practitioners waited for him with large banners. The front area of Parliament House is an open area, which is next to the biggest road in Helsinki. People could not miss seeing the practitioners performing gentle exercises and sitting in meditation. Luo Gan was afraid of seeing the practitioners, so his entourage entered Parliament House from a rear entrance. When they left the building, they passed by the front of the Parliament House and saw the banners. People in Luo Gan's entourage all read the banners and watched practitioners doing the exercises.

In the evening, Luo Gan had dinner with some Finnish officials and again practitioners appealed outside the building. When Luo Gan left the building he used a side door. Two practitioners ran to the side road and opened banners for Luo Gan to see. He was afraid to see Falun Dafa banners and left very quickly. It is obvious why Luo Gan was afraid, when one considers the crimes he has committed.

During the day, two main television channels and radio stations came to the Ministry of Justice and the Parliament house to conduct interviews. The evening news, which has more viewers than any TV program in Finland, showed Falun Gong practitioners' appeal to Finnish people throughout the country. TV news reports stated that Luo Gan didn't want to see reporters, but one group got their message through: Falun Gong practitioners from different countries appealed wherever Luo Gan went. The TV news said that Jiang Zemin started the persecution in 1999, and named Luo Gan as the head of an office that was created to suppress Falun Gong. The Minister for Justice, Johannes Koskinen, stated in the news that with regard to Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful appeals, it is right that the Chinese officials see what people in Finland and Europe think. The news also mentioned that practitioners of Falun Gong do not want to endanger the security or public order in China in any way.

The main radio channel in Finland conducted long interviews with Finnish Falun Gong practitioners and with Australian practitioner Jane Dai, whose husband was murdered because he practiced Falun Gong. Also, TV Channel 4 showed interviews with Jane Dai in their news program. Through the news on the television and radio, millions of Finnish people learned more about Falun Gong and the persecution that is targeting millions of people in China.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200309/15122.html