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Radio France Internationale (RFI): Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Luo Gan in Iceland

September 14, 2003 |  

The following is a news report from a Radio France Internationale program that was broadcast to China in Mandarin on the evening of the September 8:

According to news from the Falun Dafa Information Center, practitioners around the world have filed a lawsuit against Luo Gan, a member of the Chinese government's politburo standing committee, via Ragnar Adalsteinsson who is an internationally renowned human rights lawyer, and have charged him with crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity, upon his arrival to Iceland. Luo Gan is the head of China's "610 Office," an agency that has been set up to specifically handle the issue of Falun Gong.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200309/15070.html