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Police in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province Wantonly Abduct Dafa Practitioners

September 11, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Right after the Spring Festival in 2003, Qitaihe City Public Security Bureau started abducting Dafa practitioners. To locate practitioners they tapped their phones and placed them under surveillance. Three Dafa practitioners were fined more than 10,000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] by police for renting apartments. The apartment owner was also fined 10,000 Yuan before being released. A few days later, Mr. Wang Changbo, Mr. Li Baohua and more than 20 Dafa practitioners were kidnapped. Police tortured them cruelly. A Dafa material distribution site was raided and ransacked. Later, more than 40 Dafa practitioners were taken away, with family property being confiscated. Several dozen Dafa practitioners were left homeless.

Now, several dozen imprisoned Dafa practitioners are expected to pay nearly ten thousand Yuan in fines before being released. Some imprisoned Dafa practitioners are on hunger strikes to protest the persecution. Their hunger strikes have lasted several days, and their lives are in danger. The situation is extremely urgent.