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AFP: Falun Gong followers rally in Japan

August 25, 2003 |  

Sunday, 24-Aug-2003 1:00AM

Story from AFP

YOKOHAMA, Japan, Aug 24 (AFP) - Some 200 followers of the Falun Gong spiritual movement rallied in Japan on Sunday, accusing former Chinese president Jiang Zemin of massacre charges.

They made demonstrations in a park in this port city southwest of Tokyo and held a mock trial for Jiang, finding him guilty of unfair prosecution of the movement and torturing hundreds of members to death.

They then march through streets, with one of their banners reading: "Bring Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin to Justice!"

Falun Gong says its followers practice meditation to improve their physical and mental well being, [...]

China banned the Falun Gong four years ago after some 10,000 followers of the group surrounded the Communist Party leadership compound in central Beijing to protest a government crackdown. [Editor's note: One April 25, 1999, more than 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful appeal to the appeal bureau of the state council, which is next to the Zhongnanhai Government compound.]
