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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/14/2003

August 22, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Methods of torture used on Falun Dafa practitioners by police in the Suihua Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province include the following: beating, cursing, unlawful detention that exceeds the original terms, being locked in an isolated cell, being forced to watch propaganda videos that slander Falun Dafa with lies, being shocked with an electric baton, sitting on the "iron chair" [the "iron chair" is made of iron pipes. Victims are restrained on the iron chairs with both arms and legs tied for a long period of time. See http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/1/9/17577.html for details]. Falun Dafa practitioner from Shuangyashan Pan Xingkun was beaten until he lost consciousness, lost control of his bodily functions, and suffered from heart problems. The police forced Falun Dafa practitioners to learn Taichi in an attempt to force them to give up cultivating Falun Dafa. Who ever refused to do Taichi would be beaten up brutally.

Police in the Nanmusi Women Labor Camp in Zizhiong County, Sichuan Province use brutal methods. Falun Dafa practitioners who just arrive are isolated, threatened, and pressured. Whoever does not do exactly what they want are punished by being made to stand, and being beaten or cursed. The second phase of abuse is to make practitioners sit for a long time. The third phase is when practitioners are made to stand facing the wall with both arms raised up. The fourth phase is when practitioners are forced to drink lots of water while being made to stand without the ability to use the toilets or eat meals. The fifth phase is when practitioners are made to stand under the baking sun. The sixth phase is to make practitioners do a squat-then-stand exercise non-stop, until the practitioner collapses without any strength left. The seventh phase is when drug addicts and prostitutes are instructed to brutally beat Falun Dafa practitioners' heads, chests, and other vital areas on the body. The eighth phase is when practitioners are made to squat down on only one leg for a long time. The ninth phase is when practitioners are made to run under the baking sun until they pass out.

There are 31 Falun Dafa practitioners detained in the Hongweixing Prison in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. Most of these practitioners are individually watched by three to five prisoners. Those Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to wear the prisoner's uniforms are not allowed to talk. If any prisoner speaks with Falun Dafa practitioners he will be slapped in the face. Falun Dafa practitioners have no freedom at all in this prison; some of them have been deprived of their right to step out of their cell for over several months now.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The following is an excerpt from the article "Study the Fa Well, Purify Ourselves, Position Our Thoughts Righteously, and Be Clear on What We Are Doing."

We heard that some material centers had been destroyed in China. We then saw some bad elements in ourselves, such as not emphasizing Fa-study, not learning from others' lessons, not encouraging each other, and not reading the articles on Clearwisdom about material centers' safety issues, which are repeatedly posted. Because we did not learn these lessons, this caused us to repeatedly make mistakes with our material centers. We hereby suggest that fellow practitioners pay attention to Fa-study, read Clearwisdom's articles carefully, and cultivate well in your work environment. Although we have different job assignments, the cultivation principles remain the same for all practitioners.

News from China

On July 14, 2003, Xinhua News Agency once again openly published a fabricated article about a "lunatic" who was poisoning people. The journalists of Xinhua News Agency blame many bad things, such as suicide, on Falun Dafa and do it by way of "hinting" at it. These kinds of things do not conform to the teachings of Falun Dafa. This report has so many loopholes that we can tell that Jiang and his group of scoundrels are at their wit's end.