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Germany: Letting People Know the Truth at an Information Day in Limburg (Photos)

August 19, 2003 |   By a German Dafa practitioner

On August 2 2003, the sun was bright and beautiful over the Limburg church of the Middle Ages, on the side of the river Lahn. In this old and peaceful city, we chose a place for our photo display near the old city hall. On the table was a golden yellow tablecloth reading "Falun Gong". We also displayed a banner reading "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Tolerance," which attracted the attention of every passer-by. After we finished setting up the stall, practitioners started the activity by sending forth righteous thoughts.

Many interested people immediately came and surrounded our table, which contained petition forms to rescue German practitioner Xiong Wei, who is imprisoned in a labour camp at the moment, books, flyers and other information. One Turkish child was interested in the Chinese leaflets. He was very happy when a practitioner gave him some of the materials. We were happy too!

At the very beginning, there were three young Chinese people standing at a distance from us and looking at us with suspicion. After talking to practitioners for half an hour, they came to our table to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in China in detail. They told us that we should broadcast the truth about the persecution on TV.

We found that people in Limburg want to learn more about Falun Gong. They watched the demonstration of the 5 exercises carefully, asking a lot of questions, and they felt extremely shocked about China's cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. A lot of senior citizens took a break from their shopping to watch the peaceful exercises and try learning the movements.

That day, a lot of questions were asked about the Swastika symbol (known in ancient China as the "Wan" symbol), which is part of Falun Gong's emblem. Many people now understand that the Wan symbol stands for good fortune and that Hitler stole this symbol for his own use. German people are not allowed to use this symbol and people expressed their sorrow over this. We were very glad to let people know the real meaning of the Wan symbol.

Despite the hot weather, Dafa practitioners from different cities did a good job in coordination and together formed a peaceful field, which was well proved by the public's reactions. We are looking forward to the next Information Day.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14519.html