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Dafa Practitioners from the Jianghan Oil Field in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province are Tortured During Interrogation

August 16, 2003 |  

July 31, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In December 2001, to validate Dafa, practitioners from the Jianghan Oil Field, including Ai Zhenghua (female), Wu Yuanqiong (female), Li Yuanqiong (female), and Yang Yin (male) wrote large-size words of "Falun Dafa is good" and "Falun Dafa is a righteous way of cultivation" in the oil field area for several days in a row. Their action greatly frightened the evil and awakened the people.

Agents from the oil field's "610 Office"* mobilized 300 police officers to search for and arrest these Dafa practitioners. Sometime after 10:00 p.m. on December 17, 2002, the police abducted these five practitioners and took them away on a bus. That evening, the police brutally beat, tortured and interrogated the practitioners. During the beating, Yang Yin lost consciousness. Later, the practitioners were sent to Qianjiang City Detention Center where the guards, to stop them from practicing the exercises, lashed them with leather whips, slapped their faces with shoes and handcuffed and shackled them. Guards Zhou Shengtang, Li Baoan, Tan Xianshu, and Bai Yuemei cuffed them onto "the dead persons' beds"** for two days and nights.

In late July 2002, the four practitioners refused to be photographed. The guards again brutally beat them up, and then put them in "dead persons' beds." Before long, detention center chief Mo Shigui was dismissed from his position, and two guards were also transferred. Each time, several of the guards tortured Dafa practitioners, they would all become ill the next day.

Ms. Xia Xiaofen is a family member of an employee from the Oil Well Logging Department of the Jianghan Oil Field. On September 14, 2002, when Xia Xiaofen was distributing truth-clarification materials, the police arrested her and sent her to the Xiangyang Police Station affiliated with the Jianghan Oil Field. Xia Xiaofen was interrogated for the whole evening, but she firmly refused to tell them where she got the materials. The next morning, Wang Xiuying, chief from the National Security Team of the Jianghan Oil Field Police Division, ordered the police to hang Xia Xiaofen onto an iron frame with handcuffs. At 8:00 p.m., the police wanted her to press her fingerprints on the detention card, and she firmly refused. At that time, even several police failed to open her hands with force. Chief Wang Xiuying became exasperated, and she grabbed her hair and hit her head against the wall. She also tried to throw Xia Xiaofen onto the ground. The infuriated police again hung Xia onto the iron frame until that evening, when Xia was sent to Qianjiang City Detention Center.

The next evening after she was sent to the detention center, Xia Xiaofen practiced the exercises as usual. When the guards discovered her practicing, they wanted to handcuff her, but were stopped by other Dafa practitioners. Afterwards, she kept practicing the exercises and sending forth righteous thoughts every day. On January 18, 2003, she was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor. On January 19, she was sent to Hubei Province Shayang Labor Camp. She firmly believed in Dafa and she failed the health checkup, so the labor camp refused to accept her. She went home in a dignified manner, and joined the Fa-rectification.

After enforcers from the Jianghan Oil Field Police Division had persecuted these Dafa practitioners, the police there killed one thief during torture and extortion of a confession. Because of this incident, three guards were sentenced to jail, and the police chief was forced to resign.

*The 610 Office is a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.

**The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This treatment would last from several hours up to more than a dozen days. This type of cruel torture causes severe damage to the practitioner both mentally and physically.