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UK: Bringing the Peace and Harmony of Dafa to a West Midlands City

August 12, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, August 12, 2003) "You are very patient with her. She will learn quickly. That's why she is so advanced for her age." The elderly lady continued to watch me and my nine-month old daughter playing, as I took a break from handing out leaflets. This lady had been sitting on a bench for most of the afternoon quietly watching the practitioners performing the Falun Gong exercises in the centre of Solihull, a large town in the West Midlands of the UK. At first she was just interested in the baby, seemingly indifferent to the performance only a few yards away, but as she came to understand that the baby was related to those who were giving the demonstration, this lovely elderly lady began to pay more attention to the practitioners, slowly adjusting her mind to the new phenomenon in front of her, asking a few simple questions, and marveling at the way they performed the exercises so harmoniously and elegantly together. It was clear that the serene energy field and the conduct of practitioners had left her with a warm impression of Dafa, and that she understood the kind of people we were. When she came to leave, she called out to me as I was sitting meditating to say goodbye. Many other people were also charmed by the beauty of the exercises and the benevolent field around us, stopping to sit on benches and watch, or standing in the shade for a while to soak in the sights or chat with practitioners.

Saturday the 9th of August was one of the hottest days for a long time in the UK, but the heat didn't particularly bother the practitioners as they gave out flyers, performed the exercises and asked people to sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. The heat just seemed to melt into the serene atmosphere and music. This was the first time practitioners had been to this town, and it felt very special and very peaceful.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14390.html