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Shandong 610 Office Forces Officials at Each Level of Administration to Sign Guarantee Letters for Persecuting Dafa Practitioners

July 10, 2003 |  


(Clearwisdom.net June 26, 2003)

During the "Two Conferences" [i.e., the two major congressional meetings in China], the Shandong 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems], willfully arrested Falun Gong practitioners and forced them to submit to brainwashing in order to prevent them from going to go to Beijing to appeal.

The highest-ranking officials of each area, county and work unit were required to sign a letter guaranteeing that no Falun Gong practitioners of that particular unit would go to Beijing to appeal during the "Two Conferences". If any practitioner went to Beijing in spite of the ban, the official responsible for the practitioner's work unit and all his superiors would be dismissed right away. Falun Gong practitioners whose behavior could not be guaranteed by the work unit were arrested by the 610 Offices, taken to a hotel and subjected to brainwashing and harassment. In one county over 500 practitioners were detained until the end of the "two conferences."

Although many of the work unit supervisors were aware of the truth about Falun Dafa, they still turned in Dafa practitioners to the 610 Office against their will in order to keep their jobs. Thus, Jiang and the 610 Office took advantage of their fear of losing their positions to coerce them to persecute Dafa practitioners.