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AAP NEWSFEED (Australia): Mock trial for Chinese ex-president

July 01, 2003 |  

June 27, 2003, Friday

Supporters of the Falun Gong movement will stage a mock trial of former Chinese president Jiang Zemin in Brisbane tomorrow.

The Chinese government banned Falun Gong in 1999, [slandering the practice] and jailing members.

Its several thousand practitioners in Australia say it is simply a way of living involving exercise and meditation.

Queensland Greens convenor Drew Hutton, who plans to attend the protest, said basic human rights of practitioners were under threat.

"The actions of the Chinese government against this group represent one of the most blatant attempts anywhere by a government to repress basic human freedoms," Mr Hutton said.

The protests will start in King George Square at 11am (AEST)