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World Journal: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Expose Chinese Association's Assault (Photo)

June 29, 2003 |  

Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference on June 26 to expose the assault, display large photos taken on spot during the incident that night and show a TV station's video footage of the assault.

(Clearwisdom.net June 28, 2003) The World Journal reported on June 27: New York Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference on June 26 to expose the Chinese Association's assault on Falun Gong practitioners on the night of June 23. They stressed, "Peaceful demonstrators were assaulted and harassed. This is not allowed in a democratic country."

The Falun Gong practitioners said that based on information from the Police Station of Fifth Precinct, Liang Guanjun, chairman of the Unified Organization of Overseas Chinese Associations of New York, was arrested and taken into custody for allegedly directing and participating in an assault against Falun Gong practitioners. The case is still developing and there are other possibilities of lawsuit.

Ms. Nadine Leichter, the spokesperson of the Falun Dafa Information Center, said on June 23 outside the Yidong ("Palace 88") Restaurant in New York City's Chinatown, while Falun Gong practitioners were distributing truth-clarifying literature and materials to passersby outside the restaurant, a group of dozens rushed out of the restaurant, surrounded the practitioners, tore up flyers and assaulted the practitioners. She showed large photos taken on spot on that night and video footage shot by a TV reporter.

Ms. Shuhui Tan, a Falun Gong practitioner, said that the victims of the assault, Mr. Jun Li and others, filed a report at the police station in the Fifth Precinct and explained the assault to the police on the second day. "On the same night, Guanjun Liang was taken into custody in the fifth precinct police station." Ms. Tan said that the police station confirmed to Falun Gong practitioners that Liang was arrested and charged with third degree assault. "Liang is a local community leader and is not suspected of fleeing, so he was released on bail."

Ms. Leichter said that besides Liang, Falun Gong practitioners also identified another assailant, but no name was disclosed. Ms. Leichter said that police were investigating and Falun Gong practitioners had not excluded other lawsuits in the future.

Falun Gong practitioner Peigang Xu said that there were only five Falun Gong practitioners distributing flyers outside the restaurant, but dozens of people under Liang's direction surrounded them. "Even before the assault, they threatened us by surrounding us."