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Germany: Munich Chinese Consulate Fears Banner "Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin" (Photos)

June 27, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioners from Germany

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa Practitioners from Bayern, Germany and Austria gathered in front of Chinese consulate in Munich to eliminate demonic interferences from other dimensions and support bringing Jiang Zemin to justice globally. From June 19 to 22, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts for 4 days at the top of each hour.

During the first day of the peaceful appeal, Dafa practitioner used their righteous thoughts to dissipate dark clouds and rains. In the next three days the sky was clear and the air was clean. However, the evil refused to give up. With the excuse that the banner's content was humiliating, Chinese consulate asked the police to order us to take down the banners including "Please Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin." After we clarified truth to them and but to no avail, we reported the incident to major media agencies and brought the matter to the court. International Human Rights Organization's Mr. Thierack expressed his support to this matter and sent a news brief about the incident to International Human Rights Organization.

Evil is afraid that the truth will be revealed. We should "validate the Fa by making use of the culture that the Fa created for ordinary people and the various forms in which it can exist." ("Teaching the Fa in Vancouver, Canada, in 2003")