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Latest News from China - 6/8/2003

June 25, 2003 |  


  1. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Shanhaiguan Police Besieged Falun Dafa Practitioner Wei Danquan's Home and Attempted to Break into the House
  2. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yang Guangyu Has Been Illegally Taken to a Brainwashing Center and His Mother Lu Shuxuan Is Still Illegally Held at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  3. [Jilin Province] More Than Fifteen Hundred Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Held at Hei Zuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp Have Been Tortured and Forced to Attend Brainwashing Sessions While in Slavery
  4. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Yuying from Xingcheng Has Been Illegally Arrested by Personnel from the "610 Office"
  5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Additional News on the Illegal Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioner Yang Liguo
  6. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Shuzhen and Male Practitioner Chen Zhenping Illegally Taken to Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp
  7. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners
  8. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Policemen Illegally Arrested more than 20 Falun Dafa Practitioners
  9. [Fushun City Liaoning Province] An Incomplete List of Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Are Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor

[Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Shanhaiguan Police Besieged Falun Dafa Practitioner Wei Danquan's Home and Attempted to Break into the House

At about two o'clock in the early morning on May 6, 2003, policemen from Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao City besieged Falun Dafa practitioner Wei Danquan's home. They madly rammed the door, and pried it open with iron bars. The door was damaged and could not be opened even from inside. The siege lasted for more than 30 hours.

In another development, Falun Dafa practitioner Gao Feng was taken to the police substation and his home was searched. Dafa practitioner Zuo Hongtao and female practitioner Gao Shulin have also been illegally arrested.

[Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yang Guangyu Has Been Illegally Taken to a Brainwashing Center and His Mother Lu Shuxuan Is Still Illegally Held at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Twenty-six year old Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Guangyu worked at the Liaohe Oil Field Geophysical Prospecting Company in Panjin City. On June 6, 2003, he was illegally taken to the Fushun Brainwashing Center. It has been learned that Dafa practitioners from other work units have also been arrested, but the details are not available.

Yang Guanyu had been illegally sentenced to one year of forced Labor for going to Beijing to appeal. His mother Lu Shuxuan had been sentenced to two years of forced Labor and was released after two and a half years, six months more than the original sentence. Not long after, she was illegally taken away by the police because of the convening of the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. The police have not informed the family of her whereabouts. The family learned that Lu Shuxuan is being held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp from people who had been released from there.

On May 25th, several Falun Dafa practitioners from Panjin City were arrested. In most cases their families only learned of their arrest from unofficial channels or after their homes were searched. It is said that every month there are Dafa practitioners sent to the Fushun Brainwashing Center.

[Jilin Province] More than Fifteen Hundred Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Held at Hei Zuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp Have Been Tortured and Forced to Attend Brainwashing Sessions While in Slavery

More than fifteen hundred Falun Dafa practitioners have been illegally held at Hei Zuizi Forced Labor Camp, Liaoning Province. On their arrival at the Labor camp Dafa practitioners are forced to write the so-called "Guarantee Statement" [A statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun gong practitioners.] and "Dissociation Statement" [A statement to declare a dissociation with Falun Gong and promise not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.]. If anyone refuses to do so, they are forced to stand facing the wall. Groups with two or three people each have been formed to take turns watching the practitioner in order to deprive them of their right to sleep. At the same time the practitioner are also humiliated.

The wicked perpetrators have distorted the meaning of Teacher's articles and spread lies. They have also carried out all sorts of torture including electric shock, beatings and verbal abuse. Their first step is to torture the practitioners physically. The second step is to force the practitioners to undergo brainwashing. During the brainwashing the so-called "Reformed People" [the people whose minds have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture by Jiang's regime] help to spread vicious lies. The third step is personal persecution by forcing the practitioners to do very heavy manual labor. At the same time, the prison guards use sentence reduction as an incentive to entice some inmates to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. By using all kinds of methods, the evil perpetrators try to destroy Falun Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts and righteous beliefs. However, they know clearly that they can not change the true Dafa practitioners no matter what methods they use.

Female Falun Dafa practitioner Li Shuyin, held at No Four Division, had been electric shocked by the police for several days for not cooperating with the evil persecution. The police also slammed her head against the wall, which caused a severe cerebral concussion. She could not eat or drink for many days. The police did not give her any treatment, worse still, they showed no concern about her situation.

One of Dafa Practitioner Li Bing's legs has been disabled due to severe beating.

Dafa practitioner Baiping and Shiyazhen are both over 60 years old. Policemen willfully tortured these two elder practitioners. They used electric batons to shock Bai and Shi. Shi's face was black and blue, and swollen due to the toture. The policemen also carried out personal attacks against practitioners and made fun of practitioners by insulting their human dignity.

[Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Yuying from Xingcheng Has Been Illegally Arrested by Personnel from the "610 Office"

At about 11 o'clock on June 3, 2003 when female practitioner Zhang Yuying and another fellow practitioner were distributing truth clarification materials, someone reported them to the police. As a result Zhang Yuying was arrested by the police on the spot but the other practitioner escaped unharmed with righteous thoughts. At present, Zhang Yuying is held at the Xingcheng City Detention Center. We hope practitioners at home and abroad provide assistance to rescue Zhang Yuying.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Additional News on the Illegal Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioner Yang Liguo

On May 21st, Dalian Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Liguo and another Dafa practitioner were illegally arrested by the local police when handing out truth clarification materials at Qipan New Village, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City. It has now been learned that Yang Liguo was released on the same day as he was arrested after his family was extorted of 3,000 Yuan. [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] Yang is now forced to leave home and go from place to place in order to avoid arrest.

The situation was that Yang Liguo was arrested when someone tipped off the police while they were handing out truth clarifying flyers to everyday people. Both of the practitioners who were arrested showed signs of fever. Under this circumstance Yang was released after his family was extorted of 3,000 Yuan.

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Shuzhen and Male Practitioner Chen Zhenping Illegally Taken to Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp

It was learned that Zhengzhou Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Li Shuzhen and Chen Zhenping had been illegally held at Wanqing Shanzhuang Brainwashing Center, Xiliuhu Lake for more than a year. After the brainwashing center was closed, the two practitioners were secretly sent to the Linyi Hotel, Zhengzhou City, and then they were transferred to the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

Linyi Hotel 86-371-6246394
Switchboard 86-371-6226119, 86-371-6222668
Manager's Office 86-371-6229889

[Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners

Falun Dafa practitioner Kong Xiangfeng was illegally taken into the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp in Qiqihar City and was tortured for being steadfast in his belief. Now Kong and a dozen other Dafa practitioners have been transferred to Shuihua City for further persecution. The telephone number of the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp is 86-452-3123712.

Falun Dafa practitioner Gao Enhua was illegally held at the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp in Qiqihar. Gao suffered from severe torture for not giving up his belief. He was unable to walk because his legs were injured due to severe torture, but his legs were getting a bit better several months later.

Female Dafa practitioner Shen Zili, who is approximately 30 years old, was formerly a nurse at Qiqihar's No. 4 Hospital. She was illegally arrested three times, and is currently being held at Qiqihar's Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp, where she is suffering from persecution. The telephone number of the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp is 86-452-2451139.

Female Dafa practitioner Yu Xuelin was forcefully taken away in year 2000, and suffered from persecution for a year at the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp, Qiqihar City. She was released after her term was extended for another month. She was illegally detained by the police of the Dongshi Market Police Sub-station, and is currently being held at the No. 1 Detention Center.

[Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Policemen Illegally Arrested more than 20 Falun Dafa Practitioners

From the beginning of May, Cangzhou Police Department has been illegally arresting Falun Dafa practitioners and searching practitioners' homes, all in the name of prevention and cure of "SARS." For those who possess Falun Dafa books and materials, the most lenient treatment is to pay a fine of from one thousand Yuan up to ten thousand Yuan. The most severe punishment is to be sent to brain washing centers or even jails. More than 20 Dafa practitioners have been arrested in this way. May 9 to June 21 is a very critical period for the court case against Jiang. Since the arrests happened at this time there is a need for our Dafa practitioners to look inside to check if we have any loopholes. If there is no loophole then it must be interference by the evil. At this critical moment we must keep a clear mind, see through the true nature of the evil, set a strict standard for ourselves, and do well the three things our Teacher has asked us to do.

[Fushun City Liaoning Province] An Incomplete List of Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Are Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor

The following is a partial list of Falun Dafa practitioners who have been illegally sentenced to forced labor in Fushun City, Liaoning Province:

Ms. Tang Shusheng, Ms. Xie Peifen, Ms. Lan Xinfang, Ms. Gao Changrong, Ms. Zhang Guirong, Ms. Zheng Yan, Mr. Zheng Yongjun, Ms. Sun Hongyu, Mr. Zhao Decheng, Ms. Zhao Lixin, Ms. Li Ying, Ms. Han Suyun, Mr. Jin Baochun, Ms. Gao Zhijian, Ms. Ji Sujuan, and Mr. Wu Tiecheng, .