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Requests by Deceitful Chinese Consulate in Houston Are Refused by Texas Officials

June 23, 2003 |   By a Practitioner from Texas

June 10, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Texas officials told Falun Gong practitioners in a recent meeting that Hu Yeshun, the Consulate General in Houston, slandered Falun Gong for no just cause, and asked them not to meet with Falun Gong practitioners, but the officials refused his requests.

One official said that the Consulate General claimed Falun Gong practitioners were a group of bad people who wanted to subvert the Chinese Government. The official replied, "I don't think so." The Consulate General also pressed him not to see Falun Gong practitioners. The official answered, "No. I will meet with them."

The Texas Government was not affected by the lies, and instead continues to support Falun Gong practitioners' legal rights, as well as their community service events. The Governor recently issued a proclamation letter endorsing "World Falun Dafa Day."