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Hungary: Chinese Embassy in Budapest Fears Dafa Practitioners' Appeal

June 19, 2003 |   By a Hungarian Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 5th 2003, I received a notice from the police headquarters in Budapest stating that they had received a complaint from the Chinese Embassy. The Chinese Embassy had written a letter to police headquarters and asked them to cancel the Falun Gong appeal in front of the Embassy on the grounds that the appeal was on the property of the Chinese government.

The Chinese Embassy in Budapest is located at a crossroad. A few months ago, it had only one building. Now however, the Chinese Embassy occupies three of the four buildings at the crossroad, whereas the fourth building is occupied by another countries' Embassy. Under Hungarian law, protests can only take place on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street to the Embassy building. Protests are not allowed in front of an Embassy, which makes it more difficult to arrange a protest activity in front of the Chinese Embassy due to the new layout of its buildings.

A new site, about 20 meters away from the Chinese Embassy was offered to us. However, the police exerted great effort in getting us a place for our appeals that was just 10 metres away from our original site.

This is yet another example of the extension of the Jiang regime's persecution to Europe. It is ridiculous that the Chinese Embassy considers a couple of Falun Gong practitioners meditating a threat. It seems that the evil people are afraid of their wrongdoings being exposed to the international community and the general public.